Monday, August 2, 2010


9pmBBT: Rach is working out. Brit.Matt.Lane and Bren sitting on the lounger. Ragan is making fun of Jerry BB10, doing his voice.  Kris on the couches. Rach in the house.

9:10pmBBT: Ragan is making believe he is on the phone. Making Matt and Brit laugh. Kris on the couch sad looking.
9:14pmBBT: Matt is talking to Brit about Kris pitching. Brit said she listened, she does NOT trust Matt. Ragan  Brit is vague to Matt when he asks if she went for her pitch. Ragan went to get wine.
9:35pmBBT: Bren is on the elliptical. Matt/Enzo/Hay/Kris/Lane and Brit in the KT eating and talking about weight and exercise. Rach goes outside to do laundry.
9:38pmBBT: Rach in the KT now. Bren done on the elliptical. Rach said YOU ARE ALL SWEATY BRENDON. Bren did an hour on the elliptical.
9:40pmBBT: Bren cooling off. Rach in the KT trying to get a drinking game started. Not sure the other HG want to play.
9:43pmBBT: Kris and Lane in the KT. Kris made sure to ask Lane to talk in front of Rach. Kris is giving her pitch to Lane. Telling him that she is a good choice to keep. Lane says what are others are thinking. Kris said she may have Ragan and Brit. Lane says he got attached to her and Hayden. Kris tells Lane she knows it is hard with Hay would be your friend. Kris tells Lane she needs to stay and will do anything to stay. She tells him that she thought she was going to make it to jury. Kris says to think about what is better for  you.

9:50pmBBT: Kris says Hay is not the upfront type like I am. Lane is humoring her, he wants her gone, thinks she messes with Hay's head and also thinks she is his sister.
9:55pmBBT: Kris tells Lane she needs the jury house money to live outside of BB. Lane says you play it low key till the jury house and then play like a lion.  Lane says Kathy is not looking to compete, just jury house money. KT crew is laughing and having a good time. Kris calls Rach a F'in bitch, she want to rip her eyes out.

10pmBBT: Kris tells Lane that she thinks Matt is with Brenchel. Lane says some say that. Kris is afraid Matt will sway Ragan since he is with Brenchel.
10:15pmBBT: Lane left and was going to get Enzo to talk to Kris in the cabana. Kris is still waiting. Rach is talking about her job. She is a bottle service cocktail waitress and guys buy her patron platinum that cost 1 grand. She talks about how she never pays for her drinks. Rach says some shots are 25 grand. They have a 6 litre champagne for $250,000.00. Bren says that he would never buy some random girl a expensive drink.

10:30pmBBT: Kris is pitching to Enzo about the same thing she said to Lane. I am a good, honest,loyal person. KT crew still chatting. Brit is telling Hay that Rach told her that her and Bren had a deal with Matt. Brit tells Hay that Kathy beggeed her not to use the veto.Brit tells Hay that it is all personal with them.

10:40pmBBT: Hay and Brit agrees that Rach will not fight going to jury once Bren is gone. Brit says it makes her sick that they have gotten so far and have so much power. Brit is telling Hay that Rach told her Kris told her to put Monet up. Hay is pitching to Brit for her vote. Brit says she is sorry to see Kris go, she is a cool girl. Hay said he may kill himself if Bren gets HOH. Brit says they should all DOR if he wins HOH.
10:47pmBBT: Brit and Hay talk about Brenchel. Brit says he is a compulsive liar. Hay said Rach its gross and would avoid her a bar. Brit and Hay think America hates them. Brit says she thinks she is so hot. Hay said Rach bent over at the fridge and looked to make sure the camera saw. Enzo called to DR, so cabana talk over. KT still talking about Vegas. Brit is now laying in the hammock alone.

10:50pmBBT: Ragan thinks Bren will put up Hay and Lane. They talk about how Rach acted when Ragan took the Veto Ticket. They hear Rach yelling outside and thinks she is fighting with someone. She is just talking loud. Ragan starts to tell Matt about how he feels about Rach. Ragan thinks she needs to mature. Matt thinks Rach is bad at BB. Enzo in the cabana with Kris. Lane comes inside and says they are talking about Vegas.
11:11pmBBT: Rach comes inside drunk. She keeps trying to get her wine from Bren, he made her put the rest of her wine in his glass. Matt outside now, he can't take  Rachel.

11:16pmBBT: Rach and Bren are in the HOH. He tells Rach he is tired of the club, booze and party stories are killing him. Bren says he does not live in Vegas and will not. Bren says you seem to love Vegas and want to stay. You knew it was bothering me, I went outside to get away from it and you came outside to talk about Vegas again. Rach has said not one word. She is glaring at Bren and then looks down. Bren said he is not a party guy, he is into science and feels passionate about it. Says he will not move to Vegas.
11:23pmBBT: Bren asks if Rach came on BB to sell Vegas. She said I came to make it to final 2. Bren says I love you and I am a sensitive guy, I felt like you did not care. Bren said flashy and showing off is not for him, he is down to earth. Rach says she has worked so hard. Bren says I don't have a lot of money, I am simple.  Rach says Bren is being mean to her and she did not do anything. Rach says she is Vegas. Bren says she was repeating herself outside and does not want to hear anymore about Vegas tonight. Rach says she loves Vegas and it is part of her. Bren asks her why she can't see when he needs to consider his feelings. Bren says it makes me upset when I hear how much you love Vegas because you will never leave it. Rach says she will move to L.A. to be with Bren. Rach moved to Vegas when she was 22. Rach says she wants to be with Bren.

11:33pmBBT: Matt is now getting the pitch from Kris in the cabana. Rach and Bren are repeating themselves at this point. Rach says I can't live with you in graduate housing. This would be a very big committment. Rach walks away and tries to leave the HOH. Bren tells Rach that she is sacrifcing our game when you let people see us fight. Rach said this a few days ago. Rach says Bren is so mean, she will not sounded like you were doing plugs for companies you work for.

11:42pmBBTchange who she is. Rach is raising her voice now. Bren says you repeated yourself for an hour and it : Matt is still with Kris, she is still trying to get her vote.Rach and Bren on Wash,Rinse,Repeat. Kiss and make up already.

11:55pmBBT: Bren and Rach make up. Bren tells her to play like herself not Janelle.
12amBBT: Ragan in the cabana with Ragan, she tells him it will be tight. Rach and Bren downstairs, Rach acting silly, rapping. Enzo/Hay and Lane in the HT talking  about what they will do in the next few weeks.

12:10amBBT: Rach now at the HT breaks up the Brigade talk. Bren outside. Rach goes in the HT. Rach wants enzo to go ask for more booze.  Kri is still working Ragan's vote. Rach's boobs fall out of her top and she exposes herself to the HT.
12:30amBBT: Enzo wants to do a have not with the booze. 4 people drink one day and 4 the other so they can get smashed. Enzo is going to pitch it to the house. Rach if for it. Rach is drunk and keeps interrupting Enzo with comments.
12:40amBBT: The Brigade leaves the BY and it is just Brit with Brenchel. Ragan is not convinced that Lane is going to vote for Kris or Enzo. Kris asks Ragan to talk to people about the vote. Ragan tells Kris he will know by Wed who he is voting for.
12:50amBBT: Brenchel in the KT now with other HG. Lane is in the shower, Brit is talking to him about finding the right girl.
1amBBT: Kris is in the shower. Brendon and Rach in HOH. Rach is sleeping on the floor because Bren and her had a small fight about her boobs being shown outside. Bren admonished her and said lets just go to sleep. So Rach is on the floor and Bren in bed. Ragan farted and cleared the Jumanji room. Hay now doing situps in the cabana room with Enzo. Kathy is watching them. Hay in the WC waiting to go into the shower.  Matt and Brit go back into the Jumanji room to see if the smell is gone. Bren gets up and picks Rach off the floor and puts her in bed. She starts to bitch that she needs to brush her teeth and take her contacts out. Bren tells her then why were you sleeping on the floor. Rach asks Bren why he is made at her, he tells her he isn't. Rach says all they do is fight. She goes to the WC and takes out her contacts. Enzo,Matt,Ragan,Brit and Lane in the Jumanji talking about the music BB plays for wake up. Enzo talks about his job as a real estate agent in Jersey. Bren and Rach making out in HOH. Hay and Enzo in the Taj talking about a Brigade member winning BB. Hay wants to help his mom and pay student loans. Enzo wants to take care of his wife, Enzo says she works hard. Rach and Bren are having sex.
2amBBT: Kathy and Kris in BY. Kathy told Lane her game seems weak but she has a plan.Enzo and Hay talk about crazy stuff they have done, like blowing up mailboxes. Bren and Rach cuddling, saying I love you. Kris tells Kathy there is not a good reason for me to leave. Kathy and Kris head inside. The Jumanji is asleep. The Taj crew talk about Bren and Rach when Kathy and Kris come inside. They say she is ridiculous with her boobs hanging out. The Taj agrees that they won't last outside of the house. Bren and Rach are talking about past comps.All HG are quiet by 3am.


5PMBBT: Lane/Matt and Brit in the KT. Brit is cooking. More making fun of Brendon.

5:10pmBBT: Matt and Ragan working out in BY.
5:22pmBBT: Brit and Lane in the WC talking about Nick and Lane's skanky girls. Brit gets called to DR. Kathy/Kris/Ragan in the Taj.
5:32pmBBT: Enzo and Lane in the BY talking about how they can be famous if the Jersey Shore cast is. Enzo talks about getting rid of Ragan,says he is playing both sides. Enzo and Hay annoyed that Hay is depressed about Kris and laying in bed in the Taj. Enzo and Lane both think Kris/Hay are related. Lane thinks Kris threw him under the bus. Lane is annoyed that Rachel was going to backdoor him as the replacement nom.
5:37pmBBT: Kris on BY couches. Telling Enzo and Lane she is going to fight to stay, it just sucks that Hay is on the block to me. Kris is half ass campaigning, she should know better, they will not vote for her. They are glad she is going. Enzo and Hay think Kris meeses with Hay's head.
5:45pmBBT: Hay joins BY crew and then goes inside with Enzo. Lane on the BY couches with Kris still. Talking about not being a floater. Hay tells Matt that he was thinking of telling Brenchel he has no one and wants to fake alliance them.
6pmBBT: Lane and Kris with Kathy in the BY. Kris said she would of knocked Rach if they were not in BB. Kathy says Rach does not want other women here, she wants the attention.  Kris is smoking again.
6:05pmBBT: Kris says she needs votes. Rach makes her sick.
6:27pmBBT: HG are in the BY eating. Kris is talking to Ragan about how to get votes. Kris is scared about her situation. Kris is tying to get Ragan's vote.
6:53pmBBT:HG are done eating and now playing pool. Laying on the lounges or talking mad game to Kathy, trying to figure out how to stay. Looks like the BB HG are having a pool tournament. Boring ass house, maybe Rach. will get drunk and start something.
7:06pmBBT: Kathy and Kris in the BY with Brit on the couches. Kathy is talking about her children and life back home. Rach in the KT cleaning up.
7:18pmBBT: Kris and Brti now in the cabana with Kris talking about staying. Ragan told Kris she needs 3 solid votes. Kris says she trusts Brit. Brit telling Kris about Rach pulling the rug from under her this morning. Brit said she was disappointed that Rach switched to Lane. Brit asks Kris is Hay is campaigning, Kris says he knows I have a harder fight.
7:30pmBBT: Brit is telling Kris to be weary of Matt. Brit tells here how Matt lied to Lane. Brit says she does not trust Matt and choose your words carefully. Brit says Lane and Enzo are open minded. Kris says she is an asset, she is honest and is loyal. Kris says she did not get a chance. Kris said Kathy is honest and straightforward. Bren knocks on the door to get Brit to play pool. Kris says this sucks a few more times and Brit leaves. Pool tournament still going on.
7:40pmBBT: Rach is talking about what happens during a double eviction to Kathy. Brit playing pool with Hay and Enzo. Ragan in the BY also.
8pmBBT: Enzo on the elliptical. Brit still playing pool. Bren playing pool. Rach is on the couchs. Hay and Kris in the cabana. Bren asks Brit what Kris said. Brit tells him she asked for my vote and it was uneventful. Rach in cabana getting washclothes.
8:03pmBBT: Kris and Hay play footsie. Kris says she is surprised by the people she could get to vote for her. Hay looks a little nervous.
8:07pmBBT: Kathy in the cabana telling Kris that Rach is nervous that she is in the cabana with the door closed and talking to other HG. Kathy is telling Kris that Rach said that it is going to be funny with no girls here. Kathy says she plans to take out Brit and herself. Kris said she will go to Enzo and Lane for a vote, Kris says they have nobody. Kris tells Kathy that she told Hay I am going to get you out of the house. Kris said she is going to make Rach nervous by talking behind closed doors.
8:12pmBBT: Kathy calling Rach stupid and childish. Kathy is sick of her. Kathy says Rach thought you would give up, keep fighting you have a chance. Kathy tells her to never lose hope. Kathy says Rach is a coward and bullies people.
8:25pmBBT: Ragan is talking to Hay in the BY. Hay is asking Ragan about campaigning. Feeling Ragan out for a vote. Says he will talk to him later.
8:40pmBBT: Ragan and Rach talk. Ragan says he is sad. Rach says she is not pressuring. Ragan asks who she wants to see go. Rach tells Ragan to go with his gut. Rach says Kris is coming after her and Hay is not smart to Kris is the better choice. Ragan says you have to do what helps your game, not to play personal. Ragan thinks the vote will be 6-1, Rach 4-3, both for Hay.
8:50pmBBT: BB gave HG BOOZE, 4 bottles of wine. Rach and Ragan talk of double evictions and bringing a HG back.


1PMBBT: Brit is laying out by the pool. Ragan wants pizza asks if anyone will eat it also. Enzo wants a salad. Hay and Kris in the Taj. Lane and Matt at the pool. Brenchel talking about not trusting Matt. Rach trusts only Brit at this point. Rach says we have to make sure Brit does not go up. Brenchel are talking about buying the HOH to not be put up. Rach wants to use her 5 grand to do it. Kris was crying and telling Hay that she is going to try to stay. Brit talking to Lane about her speech. Matt in SR with Ragan, they do not believe what Brit said about not using it. Ragan thinks that Lane was going up and that is why it was not used.
1:10pmBBT: Kris and Hay in the Taj still. Kris does not know what she is going to do once she leaves BB. Kris worried about her boyfriend hating her. Hay says that is alright, he will understand if he likes you. Rach talks to Kathy in the cabana for a second and Kathy pretends to shoot Rach after she walks out.
1:22pmBBT: Brit is talking to Lane about going to NY. Lane tells Brit about going to NY for New Year's Eve and meeting Carrie Underwood.
1:32pmBBT: Bren washing dishes. Kris and Hay in the Taj still. Ragan in the KT. Kris and Hay talk about getting together after BB. Hay says Kris could come to Santa Barbara. Kris blames BB for putting Hay in the house, she curses at the camera. Hay tells Kris how HOT she looks in a unitard. Matt/Ragan in the BY talking about winning a margarita party. Ragan wants Mexican food. Enzo wants Chinese. Rach in the BY

2pmBBT: HG eating in the KT. Kris and Kathy in the Taj. Matt/Lane/Brit in the pool.  Matt is explaining to Lane why Brit is weary of him. Matt asks the real story. Lane says that Brit saves your ass. Lane tells Matt that Rach was second guessing her Kathy replacement veto. Rach was going to put me up. Hay comes outside to Mat and Hay. Matt says Ragan was suspicious of the veto being used and said if the veto was used Ragan was going to put Hay up, he thought that Hay had a deal with Brenchel. Matt asks how he feels and Kris. Hay says is sucks, I told her to campaign.
2:07pmBBT: Brit in the BY with Hay/Matt/Ragan and Lane talking about Bren being boring and getting stuck listening to him. Matt asks how can he be a lawyer,teacher,chef and numerous other things. Lane talking about Bren and how his school is paid. Kris begs America to help her stay in the house. BY talking about Bren still.
2:22pmBBT: Pool crew is still making fun of Bren. They say he can do everything, he must be cloned. Ragan joins Kris in the Taj. Kathy leaves.
2:31pmBBT: Ragan is giving Kris advice on how to campagian. Matt comes in and the convo. stops. Kris asks if he wants to talk. Kris says she is on her last leg. Kris saying how much it sucks.
2:54pmBBT: Kris is talking to Matt and Ragan still. Matt is not saying much as Ragan gives Kris ideas of how to stay. Kris says she does not want to go. Kris says she should be flattered that Rach wants her out so much.
3:12pmBBT: Hay/Matt and  Ragan talk about how it sucks that Kris is going before jury house. Kris to the DR.
3:20pmBBT: Hay wants to punch Andrew at the wrap party. Ragan is not going to talk to him. Ragan did not like how he was so smug about it. Lane, Enzo and Brit talking in BY about Hay and Kris Lane says its disgusting to do that stuff on TV after only knowing each other only a month. Enso says they will not make it after BB, he gives them 2 months. Lane says not even. Lane and Brit are suspect of Hayden. They thinks he was trying so hard to keep Kristen, and how happy Hay was when he thought she was staying.
3:35pmBBT: More ripping on Brenchel. They think Bren looks like his stomach had a C section. They knock Rach's mac and cheese, said it was harder than uncooked pasta, tasted terrible. Call Bren annoying. Enzo thinks they way Rach acts is all a show, that is not her. Brit says she has the confindence of a super model, thinks she is the best looking girl in the world.
3:46pmBBT: BY talks about Andrew outing Hay and Kris. BY now talking about Hay and Kris maybe being related. They have not seen them kiss. Enzo says they are the friends couple. Lane says if they don't kiss when she leaves then they are related.
4pmBBT: Feeds left the BY and are on Kris and Hay laying in bed and saying NOTHING.
4:22pmBBT: Enzo/Lane/Bren in the BY talking about who is better at pool. Lane and Bren talk about Kathy and how her conversation is annoying. They talk about Kathy using the sympathy card to stay. Enzo and Matt in the KT now.
4:43pmBBT: Brit in the shower and Matt/Ragan and Lane in the WC talking to her and each other. Brit is going to make dinner soon. The house is boring today.


8:25amBBT: All HG are still sleeping.

9amBBT: BB woke the HG up. Lane and Brit are in the KT. Kris and Kath in the Taj. lane and Brit talk about dreams. Kris and Kathy discuss the POV comp today.
9:30amBBT: Bren is is in the KT now. Brit and Lane have been debating strip clubs,strippers and relationships. Brit thinks that Lane needs to stay away from strip clubs. Enzo is outside. Rach is downstiars now. Have not seen Hay, Matt,Ragan

9:40amBBT: Bren is telling a story about how a friend and Bren stripped in Denmark. Lane in the WC. Kathy out of bed in the WC getting ready.
9:53amBBT: FOTH.
10:06amBBT: Feeds back Bren and Brit/Lane in BY talking about exercise. Brit goes inside and gets Kris to talk in the cabana room. Brit tells Kris that Rach left it up to her. Brit says Kathy is going up. Kris promises not to put Brit up till the bitter end. Kris says if she wins HOH her and Brit can talk about who to put up. Rach walks in with the door closed and asks to talk to Brit in the HOH when she is done.

10:13amBBT: Kris says she is putting Rach and Bren up if she wins. Brit says the same, asks Kris if she will have her back if Rach goes crazy. Kris said she would only put her up at the end. Brit is going to tell Rach that Kris promised not to put her and Rach up. Kris asks if people will want to keep her instead of Kathy. Brit says people se Kathy as a vote for Bren and Rachel.
10:30amBBT: Brit tells Rach that Kris will not put us up but we could put them up. Brit tells Rach they could go far together. Rach does not trust Kris. Talk of Kathy now playing the game. Rach talks about putting this person up, Rach tells Brit Lane. Brit trys to push Matt. Rach says Matt saved them. Brit is nervous about Lane going up, she is hiding it well. Rach says she likes Matt/Ragan and trusts them. Rach and Brit go over the votes for the next couple of weeks. Rach is so distrustful of Kris is may blow the deal.
10:45amBBT: Brit tells Rach to not have her use the POV if she is unsure of Kris. Rach keeps saying I do not trust Kris to put up Matt/Enzo or Lane. Rach says I am not going to force your hand. Rach says she likes Brit and wants her to stay with Bren and her. They decide to not use the veto. Brit is going to talk to Hay.
10:55amBBT: Brit on her way to talk to Hay and she is called to the diary room. Kris and Kathy are talking about how stupid Brenchel are. Kathy says they are going to do what they want. She will not go up there to talk to them. Bren and Rach talk about if Matt wins HOH next week. Brenchel think that Matt will try to get Rach's 5 grand she won in the POV comp. Rach says only her and Bren can't be bought.
11amBBT:BB calls an outdoor LD. Rach says maybe it will be better for Hay to be blindsided, Brit got called to the DR before she could tell him the POV was not being used.
12:07PMBBT: Feeds Back. Kathy and Kris in the Taj. Kris looks sad. Ragan walks in and says that was weird. Hay and Brit in the HOH talking. Brit is telling Hay she is sorry about how it turned out. Brit asks him to not be mad at her.
12:20pmBBT: Brit tells Hay that Rach was going to put up Lane, I could not use it. Brit says Kathy is acting like Kris's BFF and she asked me not to use the veto. Ragan tells Kris she is in a bad spot. Kris does not want to campaign against Hay. Brit says Lane will not come after her. Hay says if Bren wins HOH he thinks Lane and himself are going up. Brit wants Rach as an ally after Bren leaves. Brit says Bren is going to jury house next week. Rach and Hay talk, Rach tries to blame Brit for it not happening. Brit talks to Kris and tells her she begged BB for time to tell Hay and they would not give it to her. Hay tells Rach that they are a strong alliance. Rach says they are the only STRONG alliance. Rach tells Hay that she did tell Brit she was not sure if she would put up Kathy or Lane. Rach tells Brit that Hay has no alliance once Kris leaves. Rach wants a 3 person alliance with Brit. Brit lies to Rach and agrees to an alliance. Brit tells Lane that Rach was thinking of putting him up. Enzo tells Brit she made the right move. Lane and Kris in the Taj alone. Enzo and Lane in the BY. Hays says that Rach is jealous of you, your body is hotter.
12:44pmBBT: Kathy is talking to Brit on the BY couches. Brit is telling Kathy what happened. Kathy says I could see it was hard for you. Kathy says Hay and Kris are not mad at her. Lane and Enzo working out. Not sure where Ragan and Matt are. Kathy says she will never go against Brit
12:47pmBBT: Enzo and Lane laughing about telling Bren off when they are HOH. Kris and Hay sad and talking about how sad Brit was at the POV meeting. Kris could see that something was up.
12:55pmBBT: Matt/Ragan and Brit talking about not using the POV. Brit says she did not want to make the same mistakes Matt made. Brit was worried about somebody else on the block. Ragan said she made the right choice. Matt says Brenchel is crazy. Lane joins the convo.

BB12 Live Feed Updates:

July 8th 2010:

8:59BBT: Feeds are live, a lot of laughing in the BY. Whispering with the girls Rachael,Annie and Kathy. Monet in HT With Ragan,Lane, Britney and a few others.

9:05pmBBT: Most of the HG are in the BY, either on the couches or in the HT. Enzo on the couch. Rachel in the HT now. HG have booze, so things could get interesting. FOTH, one of the HG did a shout out.

9:10pm-9:30pmBBT: Annie is whispering about Enzo to Kathy. Said he had a baby penis and is a POS. Andrew pulled up Annie's blanket and she is pissed and feels violated. Monet is on the couch listening to them and agrees. Annie and Kathy love Ragan. Ragan is a have not.

9:30-10:30pmBBT: Enzo,Lane and Matt want Andrew out. Enzo talks to Andrew listens to what he has to say about everyone walking away when he comes in the room. Everyone loves everyone. Enzo bathmouting Andrew to Annie. Enzo, Lane Matt and Britney talk about Rachel. They agree she will take Brendon off the block if she wins. Britney,Lane,Enzo and Matt seem to be in some sort of alliance. Andrew has been named CAPTAIN OBVIOUS because they all think he is the saboteur. Brendon seems to get on a few peoples nerves. Monet and Kathy agree that Annie will say whatever you want to hear. Monet and Kathy saying they can't stand Annie. Annie is all over Hayden per Monet.

10:30-11pmBBT: Andrew and Kathy talking on the couches about Annie. HT crew talking about Justin Beiber. Andrew said Annie is making him look bad, trying to convince Kathy to go with him. Britney and Monet say they have Lane wraped up. Enzo tells Lane he does not trust Andrew, thinks he would throw them under the bus in a minute. Again we will have to hear thrown under the bus all season. Ezno thinks BB is the saboteur and none of them are a saboteur. The saboteur put X's on HG photos. Andrew says her wants to eliminate all the women except Kathy and Kristen.

11pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Lane playing pool. Enzo mad that Andrew is telling everyone in the house that he is in a gang. Matt said he used to beat off to Showtime and now he is on it. Enzo saying the house is going to get crazy fast. He seems to say what is on is mind. Enzo that people need to be picked off now, he can't wait till the POV. Enzo saying that Kathy and Monet are together. Says Monet was crying about how Rachel reacted when she picked her for POV. Calling the Green Leaf Wallpaper room the Jumanji Room. Britney and Monet in KT. Monet goes outside. Britney eating. Lane in the KT getting something to drink. He tells Britney he lost at pool. Andrew and Kathy on the couch. Andrew asking Monet if she cooked on a sheet to make sure it is kosher still. Matt and Lane covered the pool table and are inside now.

11:10pmBBT: Kristen a HAVE NOT. going to ask BB for a blender. Enzo in HOH with Matt and Hayden. Short FOTH. Andrew to DR. Enzo seem to be a real force in the house right now.

11:20pmBBT: Listening to HOH convo. with THE BOYS. Hightlights Kristen is a wild card, threatened by Brendon and Rachel. Like Annie more than Rachel. Andrew is the saboteur. Want Annie out quick by week 3, BD or jut put up. Matt says if Brendon stays fool him into thinking he is safe and family. Matt does not think he or Enzo should be HOH next. Enzo talking about the gang comment Andrew made.

11:30pmBBT: Rachel in HOH. Hayden went downstairs. Ragan in KT. Britney in KT. Kristen also, waiting for pizza. Brendon,Andrew and Rachel seem to be the odd HG out.
11:35pmBBT: Andrew bitching about not having any Kosher Ice Cream. Hayden says he can have some of his Ben and Jerrys. Brendon in the KT. Ragan smelling the food. Andrew talking about kosher food. Britney in BY with Kathy and Monet and Lane. Monet to DR. A lot of HG complaining about the late DR's. Brit,Lane,Kathy trying to figure out the schedule. The HG are saying they have been in the house for 5 days. Talk of Brendon taking himself off the block if he wins. Lane doubts he can win. Kathy saying he will fight hard. Switched to HOH with Enzo,Matt and Rachel. Four or Five HG are yawning. Brendon in the HOH also. More talk of Kristen being a dark horse in the HOH. Annie in the BY seems to be freaking out.

11:45pmBBT: Annie saying Andrew was bitching about making cookies and pizza on a sheet and now it is ruined. Kathy complaining obout how he comes on to her and gets in her space. Lane is just listening. Annie runs inside. Britney just listening. Calling him creepy.

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