5-6pmBBT: Enzo and Britney in the BY. Kristen and Ragan go inside, Ragan to nap, Kristen to shower. Andrew walks inside. Brit/Enzo talk about who is going home. Brit says whoever Hayden says to vote for. Rachel now outside talking to Enzo. Hayden/Lane/Kristen playing the bean bag game. Enzo says she looks in the mirror all the time. Britney says "GO MAKE BABIES IN THE BB HOUSE" as Rachel walks away. Britney asks if Annie told her THE STORY, the story about being bi-sexual, her parents not talking to her, they would not sign releases for BB. Britney tells Enzo that Annie is the saboteur.
6:10-7pmBBT: HG talk about diets, relationships. Britney talks about Nick her fiancee, he cooks for her. Lane talks about how he tests women. He will come home late and wake them up and say make me pasta. If she does not fight back, she is not for her. Andrew took a run. Kathy and Kristen putting makeup on. Kathy complains that they took her eyeliner but not others in the house. Andrew showers. Lane telling a story of how his fiancee broke up with him by leaving the ring on a pillow. He still has the ring, will put it in a new setting when he wants to get engaged. Lane saying if he got divorced he would take the male kids, his ex could have the female.
7-8pmBBT: Annie,Kris,Bren,Hay,Ragan in Cabana room talking about HG that were physical. Hayden says that this seasons girls are in better shape then last season. All cams on Cabana room. Brendon is going to make fried chicken and mac and cheese. Hayden tells the Cabana room that he is 1/16 Cherokee indian from his mothers side of the family. The room starts talking about native americans. They talk about Julie and the live show. Ragan start talking aout Natalie from BB9 and what she did wrong.
The BY starts talking about Annie as soon as she leaves. They say she is going crazy. Annie told them that Rachel is giving her eyes. Annie tries to ask Rachel why you are avoiding me, Rachel tells Annie that nothing is wrong and you are being sensitive and walks away. Annie calls everyone in the house into the KT,tells them that she just asked Rachel why you are ignoring me? Rachel acted like nothing was wrong and told Annie she was sensitive. Enzo walked away the rest of the HG are not reacting. Brit,Monet and Matt stayed in the KT and look uncomfortable. Annie is trying to calm herself down. Kathy went to HOH. Annie is going to talk to Rachel. Lane is going after her, they are in the Jumanji room. Annie saying she chased Rachel down to talk to her because she rolled her eyes at Annie and would not acknowledge her earlier. So Annie confronted her in the KT and Rachel said she is sensitive. Annie said she will kill someone, she has a temper. Lane is trying to calm her down. Annie is going NUTS.
8-9pmBBT: Annie telling Lane she is going to tell Brendon off when he gets out of the DR. Annie said she is going to be a bitch. Lane tells Annie to talk to Hayden with Annie and Brendon. Annie said she wanted to slap Rachel. Annie said she hopes Rachel is OK with being seconds. Lane wants to know why her and Rachel think he is a god. Lane said he is a good guy, but he is not a god. Annie making fun of Rachel's laugh, she sounded like a seal. Annie calls Brendon to the Taj room. Lane leaves. Annie tells her story again. Rachel ignored Annie when she talked to her, shut the door in Annie's face. Annie chased her down, Rachel was sugary sweet and waved bye bye to Annie. Annie telling Brendon she is going to hit her. Brendon wants to stay out of it. Brendon says she knows you want her gone. Annie told Brendon that Rachel is going to bring him down. Annie saying she can't talk to Brendon anymore, she does not understand. Brendon said he is tired of Annie trying to make him feel guilty and does not want to be around her. Annie said I love you and Rachel, I do not want to be against her on the block. Annie crying, I think Brendon may start soon.
Brit,Enzo,Matt think Annie is crazy and is going to be removed. Britney eludes to Annie being upset about a J. Lane saying that Andrew is pissed today.Lane is busting balls and Andrew is getting upset, he said stop pushing my buttons. THE HOUSE IS GOING CRAZY. Andrew says I have to clean, do laundry, he is so funny without trying. Lane said Andrew was saying that Lane stirs up drama. Andrew says I said your sacrcasm stirs things up. Andrew says he never said sarcasm.
Enzo says the house day 10 makes people crack. Matt,Enzo,Brit want dinner so they want Brendon and Annie to finish. Brit told Andrew that he wiped his mouth with the towel and put it back. Enzo says I wipe my ass and put the towel back. Annie to DR. She leaves Taj room and Brendon goes into the KT. Rachel is telling Brendon her side. Brendon says he does not care what is going on. Hayden comes into the Cabana room. They tell him that Andrew went off. Ragan and Kristen are in the room also. Rachel said she was getting dressed, she thought Annie was asleep and shut the door. Annie chased after me and said everyone hates me. Brendon said to stay away from each other. Andrew comes into the Cabana room and says they are pushing buttons. Brendon tells him to ignore them. Rachel says I did not do anything. Brendon asks Annie if she is glad that he choose her over Annie. Rachel leaves, wants to be alone. Brendon in Cabana room and looks like he is going to cry.
Rachel in the garbage room crying. Matt,Andrew,Enzo,Brit,Lane at KT table. Andrew apologizes again to Lane. Brendon comes into the KT. The KT crew noticed that Rachel was crying.
Brendon is with Annie, comforting her. Brit going to HOH. Kristen in KT getting coffee. Kathy and Monet are laying in bed, Britney fills them in on the Rachel/Andrew drama. Hayden went downstairs to get something to eat Brit,Monet,Kathy making fun of Annie yelling at the camera THIS IS FOR YOU JEN. Rachel and Brendon are kissy face again he is talking about food and what to make her. I think Rachel is over Brendon she was making faces at the camera and she is avoiding his lips. Rachel just rolled here eyes at the camera behind his back.
9-10pmBBT: Annie/Brendon are in the KT, he is going to make her chicken salad. Enzo is hanging in the KT picking at food. Brit,Monet,Kathy leave the HOH so Annie can talk to Hayden. Annie is telling the Taj story again and the KT story again. Hayden is listening and not saying anything. Rachel and Brendon cooking together. Brendon told Rachel that they have to start remembering things, they are in the SR getting supplies. Annie again saying that they need to break up Rachel and Brendon. Annie mocking Rachel's laugh again. Annie is saying she is in shock at how Rachel acted, telling Hayden what she said to Brendon. Hayden is telling Annie to calm down, relax and fight to stay. Annie saying the DR calmed her down. Enzo to the DR. Annie said people are talking about her and she can hear. Annie starting to tear up, saying why is everyone so scared of Brendon. Annie is says that Brendon is nothing. Annie saying that Rachel looks like a lunatic.
Rachel,Ragan and Brendon in the SR talking about the drama in the last hr. Kathy comes in and says the pork chops need to be used today or it goes in the garbage. Kathy does not think they will get booze tonight. Lane is in the KT now. Annie said that Rachel is trying to get her to self sabotage. Annie keeps going on about how Rachel acted in the KT. Hayden looks bored. Monet to the DR. Annie saying she only has three solid votes, she tells Hayden he would have to tell others to vote for me to stay. Hayden hedging and Annie knows it. Annie said that there is nothing more she can do.Enzo and Lane play pool. Enzo wants to make sure Kristen and Hayden do not get closer. Annie in the BY going on about Brendon and Rachel. Annie says she can't sleep with Brendon again. The guys said they will ask Monet and Britney to double up.
10-11pmBBT: HG outside talking about food. BB comes over the PA and says Brendon..pauses and Enzo yells put the f'in chicken in the oven. BB then says reattach your mic. Enzo is starving. Brendon was going to make fried chicken hours ago, but Annie, then Rachel happened. Rachel,Hayden,Kristen,Brendon in KT talking and snacking while Brendon cooks. Brit and Monet in in Cabana room not talking. Brit/Kristen eating nuts.
Matt asked the DR for BOOZE, the guy in the DR said that is not my job but I will pass it along. Lane is touchy feely with Annie. Rach,Monet,Brit,Enzo,Matt not talking to Annie much. BY talking about nail salons. Enzo calls Brendon's cooking exotic and then calls him Jack Tripper. Enzo says to just throw the chicken in the oven and it's done. Talk turns to Three's Company and Family Guy. Brendon talking about staying friends with your exes. I am going to go into FB and get a better look at Annie's face when Brendon was hugging her, she rolled her eyes and made a face, I think she is playing him. HG eating at the counter, Brendon pulled some food out of the oven. Andrew said he was going to stick with Vegas(Rachel) to get into clubs. Ragan posing in the KT. Someone called Ragan and Matt the power couple in the house.
HG demolished the first plate, in the KT talking TV shows and movies now. Anne sitting at the KT table alone. Matt,Enzo,Lane,Ha.den playing pool. Matt says Brit is the saboteur. Hayden telling the brigade what Kathy told him about Annie/Brendon may be the 2 who know each other. Matt saying Rachel/Brendon are the 2 who know each other. Talk about Brendon going next.
11pm-12amBBT: BB gave the HG beer and wine. Rachel goes into the Cabana room to let Andrew,Hayden and Kristen know. Andrew telling Hayden and Kristen that Lane pushes buttons. Andrew asks Hayden is he is with Brendon. Kristen and Hayden laugh after Andrew left. Hayden says he is worried about Andrew. Kristen says if he does not get it together, see you later.
Brit,Matt,Enzo,Monet in BY playing bean bag toss. Kathy/Ragan in garbage room, Kathy eating. Hayden wants to talk to Kristen later in the HOH. Hayden telling Andrew to let things go. Hayden and Kristen talking about Andrew some more. Matt/Andrew with Ragan and Kathy in garbage room talking about video games.
Britney and Monet in the HT talking strategy. Some HG sitting on the couches. Brit/Monet want Brendon gone. Lane pops in on Kris and Hayden and tells them what Annie told him. Matt comes into the Cabana room. Hayden says he is feeling the HOH pressure. Lane going outside. Ragan laying down for the night. Matt thinks everybody is scheming and most of it is BS on both sides. Lane,Enzo,Kathy,Monet,Annie in BY on the couches talking about all the American accents.