Monday, July 12, 2010


7amBBT: Andrew is up and doing his morning prayers.
7:20amBBT: Andrew is eating corn flakes
7:35amBBT: Andrew goes to DR, you can hear hims say something about pads and the feed is cut. Enzo then goes back to bed. Enzo is up and goes to the WC and goes back to sleep
8:50amBBT: All HG in bed.
9:05amBBT: FOTH
9:16amBBT: HG just waking up and doing ADL. Matt talking about not sleeping in the HAVE NOT room.
Monet,Brit,Kathy talking in the Jumanji room, not saying much.

Ragan taking a hot shower, Andrew and Brendon shaving.
Looks like all HG are out of bed. They are talking about HAVE NOT comp today, they are all dreading it.
9:30amBBT: HG sitting in the LR shooting the breeze. Kathy and Rachel talk in the SR about Annie trying to get votes and stay in the house. Kathy tells her not to worry. They hug and leave. HG in LR talking about music.
9:40-10amBBT: Lane,Annie,Ragan,Enzo in the LR chit chatting about Enzo getting a patent on his sayings and making a load of money after BB selling T-Shirts. All feeds in the LR. Enzo is cracking the LR up with his one liners. Enzo says he will always be on the soup. Brendon joins the LR. BB announces indoor LD over, BB replaced the washer. HG still doing nothing as of 10am.
10am-12pmBBT: Brendon,Monet and Brit talk about past jobs.  Brendon worked for Red Bull, Monet at the mall. HG workout, talk, eat, they are bored.  At 10:30 Kristen and Hayden talk about Annie trying to get the votes to stay. Hayden does not want to talk game for the next 3 days then proceeds to go to the HOH with Kristen and talk about Annie. Hayden thinks they have the votes to evict her. Hay mentions that her and Lane are close. They talk about Britney and Annie not liking each other but walking upstairs together. Kristen says Britney gives her looks. Hayden and Kris agree to keep their alliance secret and hang out less, they also trust Andrew. They want Brendon out. Kristen does not trust Britney, neither does Hayden. Kristen says Matt asks alot of questions, out before Rachel. Hayden says he is curious and you are a mystery. Most HG outside by 11am, either working out or hanging out or doing laundry.  The washing machine is broken. Britney talking about her fiance and his sex habits. Matt says Brendon and Rachel are the 2 who know each other and the showmance is fake to get people off their trails.
12-1pmBBT:  Brit,Enzo,Monet, in BY and are still want Annie out before Rachel and want to BD Brendon next. Brit tells the group that we have to win HOH this Thurs. and put up Rachel and a pawn. At replacement noms, put Brendon up if they can and get rid of him. If they can't, they will vote Rachel out. Kathy in BY talking about how Annie smoked like someone who smokes. Kathy thinks she is lying about other things also. BB announces an indoor LD. Brit,Enzo,Lane, Brendon talking about video games. Kristen and Annie talk in the KT. Annie tells Kristen what she told Kathy,Monet and Brit and that Brit apologized for lying to her. Kristen says Brit should tell the whole house she lied. Kris does not like Britney. Ragan goes to the HOH to talk to Hayden. Kris and Brendon talk about jobs, working out, roommates all non game stuff.
1-1:15pmBBT: Ragan and Hayden talk game. Ragan will not give names but mentions character traits of certain HG. Ragan then says I trust Kris,Hayden,Matt, Rachel,. after beating around the bush for 15 min or so now. Hayden not sure if he can trust Brendon, but likes Rachel, she is a follower. Ragan says he likes Annie but does not trust her. Ragan says Rachel does not do that, he never catches Rach. doing that. Hayden telling Ragan about Annie and what she has done. Ragan says to keep your feelers out for people like Annie, those people need to go. Ragan says Annie has 3 wildcards to vote for her. Brendon comes up to let Hay and Rag that lunch is ready. Hayden feels like he made a few enemies.
1:25pmBBT: Andrew and Hayden talk in the HOH. Andrew wants to know why Rach and Brendon aren't being targeted. Hayden says they will not put us up and we are going to get rid of Brendon later and keep Rachel.
1:35pmBBT: HG done eating.. Rachel,Ragan,Hayden,Brendon talking in the KT about future comps. and live evictions. Indoor LD still going on. HG seems bored, maybe waiting for LD to be over or the HAVE NOT comp.
1:50pmBBT: Matt,Rach,Hayden,Brendon,Ragan talking about Survivor and The Amazing Race. Talk about Jeff and Jordan.
1:55pmBBT: Britney, Enzo,Lane in Jumanji room laying down, some joking around, HG want LD to be over. Britney went to the KT to make a sandwich. Enzo is farting and making jokes. FOTH.
2:02pmBBT: Annie up and in the KT with other HG. Brendon is trying to make crepes. Britney went back to the Juamanji room.
2:06pmBBT: Enzo,Brit,Lane now at the KT table eating. HG talking about how much they weighed as babys and braces.
2:25pmBBT: Brendon serving crepes to the HG. Not much else going on in the KT. Matt and Hayden in the HOH chatting. Enzo in the HOH now telling Hayden and Matt the story that Annie told Monet,Kathy and Britney last night, Enzo thinks it was for sympathy. Enzo telling Hay and Matt what Brit,Monet and Kathy said about who they want out. Enzo saying they have the votes.  Hayden and Enzo go back downstairs.
2:30pmBBT: Lane telling Andrew about his tattoos. Brendon and Enzo sitting with them in the LR.
2:37pmBBT: The feed just flashed to the BY and showed a podium set up, looks like HAVE NOTS is happening. In the meantime Brit,Monet,Hayden,Matt are talking about college and high school. Britney is fluent in Spanish, in fact she had to write a 12 page paper in Spanish to graduate.
2:39pmBBT: Lane,Andrew,Enzo,Brendon chit chatting. Lane is talking about tongue rings and splitting your tongue to look like a snakes. Lane is now talking about his brothers.
3:01pmBBT: Rach/Brendon laying down in the Taj room. Rachel told Brendon that Annie is getting on her nerves. Kathy/Britney hanging out in WC with Monet. Guys still on the couches shooting the breeze, no game talk yet.
3:10pmBBT: Kathy,Monet,Britney speculate that there is going to be a comp. LD over. Nothing in BY. Podium gone. Matt,Annie,Kathy on BY couches talking about no DR's today. Matt asks Annie why she smoked yesterday. Annie said she just felt like it. Annie telling Matt that Rachel and Brendon are ignoring her. Annie telling Matt that Brendon and Rachel need to be broken up.
3:20pmBBT: Hayden./Lane in the HOH, talk briefly then go downstairs.

3:25pmBBT: Rach/Brendon in the Taj room whispering, can't hear well. Sounds like Brendon is talking Rachel down, she is worried about Annie getting the votes to stay. Brendon telling Rachel to stay around everybody(as he lays with her alone in bed) and he will get the votes.

3:30pmBBT: Lane and Annie at the HT talking about Hayden wanting to keep Brendon. Lane is doing his dirty flirting. Annie tells him that he has too many needs. Lane asked Annie if she would wait for him if she gets evicted. Annie calls Lane Uncle, he says it turns him off. Annie seems to be enjoying his dirty flirting. Lane asks Annie if she would have sex with her UNCLE. Annie telling Lane, does Rachel know he came after me first and I said no. Lane said he would come up to Annie and just say, I have a boner. This is the tamest stuff I am writing, Lane has no censor in his brain.
3:39pmBBT: Lane is asking Annie why she does not chase after him like she does Brendon. Lane says he will be up Brendon, he is joking. Rach./Brendon in Taj room. Lane/Annie still doing dirty flirting. Annie asking Lane what Hayden said. Lane said Hayden is open to scenarios. Lane says he has street smarts, Brendon is only book smart. Lane is asking Annie about HER MAN, he does not know she is bi-sexual. Lane said his girl knows he knocks out the easy girls and she has no problem with it. Lane said he flirts alot.
3:42pmBBT: Lane asking about Brendon coming on to her. Annie said he was and when she did not give him what he wanted, NOT SURE WHAT THAT WAS, he said to her once a girl says no, I never come back. Annie said he was all over Rachel the next day. Lane is all over Annie.
3:47pmBBT: Lane telling a story about going to Mexico and someone stole his keys and his car, he found the kid that was hanging around his keys and kidnapped the kid and tied him up and tried to find out where his truck was. Lane said the kid told him mom and they got in trouble. Sounds like he was much younger when this happened. HG hanging by the pool.
4pmBBT: HG still outside hanging by the pool, non game talk. Ragan/Matt/Bren talking about Jokers update and Survivor Sucks forum boards. Talking about Ronnie BB11, DR. Will, Boogie.BB2 and All-Stars.
4:10pmBBT: Matt/Brendon/Ragan talking about BB9, BB8. Ragan is picking out the next all-star cast. Brendon asking a ton of questions about BB. Talking about how much prettier Chelsea BB9 is in person. Talking about the unitard and banana man suit.
4:20pmBBT: Kristen at the pool now. Lane asking questions, like, Would you rather know when you will die or not know? Most HG at the pool having deep conversation,here is an example, What candy bar would you be?
4:30pmBBT: Matt thinks that Andrew is gunning for him. Matt saying this cast is boring. YES MATT, SOME OF YOU ARE.
4:35pmBBT: Britney is now talking to Ragan and Matt about how the game will get more exciting. The three of them give shout outs and start to talk to the live feeders. Matt feels sorry that our lives are so boring we watch them. Britney tells us to take a break tomorrow as it will be as boring as today.
4:50pmBBT: BB restocked the SR, HG grabbing food. Rach,Lane,Monet,Andrew,Annie in the KT eating. Lane and Annie flirting. More HG coming inside now.
4:52pmBBT: All I can hear is HG eating pita chips. CHOMP,CHOMP.
5:18pmBBT: Brit,Hayden,Lane,Kris playing a game they made up. They took rice/coffee and put it in ziplock bags and are throwing them in huge vases. They are playing the bean bag toss.
5:25pmBBT: Rachel,Monet and Kathy are in the HOH tub in bikini's. They are talking about everyone helping Kathy after a comp.
5:35pmBBT: Rachel called to the diary. Kristen in the KT. Monet and Kathy talking about the 2 people know each other message from the saboteur. All feeds in the HOH bath. Kathy and Monet mention Annie's crying and story last night and how they will vote how Hayden wants.
5:40pmBBT: Monet talking about not being sure if Hayden was going to put her up, she mentions Brendon wanting to put her up. Monet and Kathy both trust Hayden. Brendon to DR. Rachel done in DR.

5:50pmBBT:Brendon and Rachel in the KT. Brendon is doing dishes, hugging, kissing. Brendon saying that Annie will do herself in. Brendon cleaning the KT.
Kathy and Monet are still in the HOH bath. Monet said Annie's talk last night did not change her mind Kathy agrees. Kathy talking about being a HAVE NOT and the smell of the fish last night.


BB12 Live Feed Updates:

July 8th 2010:

8:59BBT: Feeds are live, a lot of laughing in the BY. Whispering with the girls Rachael,Annie and Kathy. Monet in HT With Ragan,Lane, Britney and a few others.

9:05pmBBT: Most of the HG are in the BY, either on the couches or in the HT. Enzo on the couch. Rachel in the HT now. HG have booze, so things could get interesting. FOTH, one of the HG did a shout out.

9:10pm-9:30pmBBT: Annie is whispering about Enzo to Kathy. Said he had a baby penis and is a POS. Andrew pulled up Annie's blanket and she is pissed and feels violated. Monet is on the couch listening to them and agrees. Annie and Kathy love Ragan. Ragan is a have not.

9:30-10:30pmBBT: Enzo,Lane and Matt want Andrew out. Enzo talks to Andrew listens to what he has to say about everyone walking away when he comes in the room. Everyone loves everyone. Enzo bathmouting Andrew to Annie. Enzo, Lane Matt and Britney talk about Rachel. They agree she will take Brendon off the block if she wins. Britney,Lane,Enzo and Matt seem to be in some sort of alliance. Andrew has been named CAPTAIN OBVIOUS because they all think he is the saboteur. Brendon seems to get on a few peoples nerves. Monet and Kathy agree that Annie will say whatever you want to hear. Monet and Kathy saying they can't stand Annie. Annie is all over Hayden per Monet.

10:30-11pmBBT: Andrew and Kathy talking on the couches about Annie. HT crew talking about Justin Beiber. Andrew said Annie is making him look bad, trying to convince Kathy to go with him. Britney and Monet say they have Lane wraped up. Enzo tells Lane he does not trust Andrew, thinks he would throw them under the bus in a minute. Again we will have to hear thrown under the bus all season. Ezno thinks BB is the saboteur and none of them are a saboteur. The saboteur put X's on HG photos. Andrew says her wants to eliminate all the women except Kathy and Kristen.

11pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Lane playing pool. Enzo mad that Andrew is telling everyone in the house that he is in a gang. Matt said he used to beat off to Showtime and now he is on it. Enzo saying the house is going to get crazy fast. He seems to say what is on is mind. Enzo that people need to be picked off now, he can't wait till the POV. Enzo saying that Kathy and Monet are together. Says Monet was crying about how Rachel reacted when she picked her for POV. Calling the Green Leaf Wallpaper room the Jumanji Room. Britney and Monet in KT. Monet goes outside. Britney eating. Lane in the KT getting something to drink. He tells Britney he lost at pool. Andrew and Kathy on the couch. Andrew asking Monet if she cooked on a sheet to make sure it is kosher still. Matt and Lane covered the pool table and are inside now.

11:10pmBBT: Kristen a HAVE NOT. going to ask BB for a blender. Enzo in HOH with Matt and Hayden. Short FOTH. Andrew to DR. Enzo seem to be a real force in the house right now.

11:20pmBBT: Listening to HOH convo. with THE BOYS. Hightlights Kristen is a wild card, threatened by Brendon and Rachel. Like Annie more than Rachel. Andrew is the saboteur. Want Annie out quick by week 3, BD or jut put up. Matt says if Brendon stays fool him into thinking he is safe and family. Matt does not think he or Enzo should be HOH next. Enzo talking about the gang comment Andrew made.

11:30pmBBT: Rachel in HOH. Hayden went downstairs. Ragan in KT. Britney in KT. Kristen also, waiting for pizza. Brendon,Andrew and Rachel seem to be the odd HG out.
11:35pmBBT: Andrew bitching about not having any Kosher Ice Cream. Hayden says he can have some of his Ben and Jerrys. Brendon in the KT. Ragan smelling the food. Andrew talking about kosher food. Britney in BY with Kathy and Monet and Lane. Monet to DR. A lot of HG complaining about the late DR's. Brit,Lane,Kathy trying to figure out the schedule. The HG are saying they have been in the house for 5 days. Talk of Brendon taking himself off the block if he wins. Lane doubts he can win. Kathy saying he will fight hard. Switched to HOH with Enzo,Matt and Rachel. Four or Five HG are yawning. Brendon in the HOH also. More talk of Kristen being a dark horse in the HOH. Annie in the BY seems to be freaking out.

11:45pmBBT: Annie saying Andrew was bitching about making cookies and pizza on a sheet and now it is ruined. Kathy complaining obout how he comes on to her and gets in her space. Lane is just listening. Annie runs inside. Britney just listening. Calling him creepy.

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