Thursday, July 15, 2010
Enzo/Monet talking game in BY they think Bren/Andrew/Rachel are aligned. Enzo calls Andrew a creep
They think Hayden made a deal with Brendon/Rachel. Monet thinks she and Britney are going up and Kathy would the replacement nominee.Enzo thinks next week the rest of the house needs to put up Andrew, Brendon, and Rachel again. Monet agrees. Call Kristen and Ragan floaters. They talk about Kristen and Hayden being together all the time. Annie gave them faces or barely hugged them as she was leaving. Matt talks to Rach/Brendon again and hints about the saboteur. Britney golfing. Matt/Hayden playing soccer.
1-2amBBT: Kris/Andrew are talking about the saboteur.Bren and Rach talk game in HOH,they talk about how some people are running scared because they don't feel safe. They think Ragan and Kristen are cool and they both trust Hayden. They feel OK about Andrew. Rach wants to nominate Monet and Britney. Rach tells Bren not to trust the guys they will try to be his new best friend. They do not trust Enzo. Rach is very against him, she says they are not in the same category as Enzo, we're better than that is her quote.Rach wonders why Matt seems so scared, did he do something? Rach mentions Lane not caring. Enzo asks Hayden where he is sleeping, Hayden says Brendons bed. Brendon told him he washed the sheets. They talk about Andrew. Brendon says only he and Rachel need to know their alliances. Brendon doesn't plan to be present when Rachel is meeting with other HG. He doesn't want people to see him, Hay, Kris, and Rach as an alliance. Rachel plans to tell Britney she is a pawn. Rachel wants Monet out. She doesn't care if Britney tells everyone. But Brendon thinks Rachel should to tell Britney not to tell everyone she is a pawn.
They plan to get out Enzo, Britney, Monet, and Matt Rach used to like Matt but doesn't trust him anymore.
Hay/Kris in the Taj room with Andrew and he is annoyed with the noise they are making. Kris and Hay get into bed together. Hayden tells her he is going to Dutch Oven her, Kris does not know what that means. It means someone farts and puts the covers over your head so you have to smell it, my nephew loves to do that. Andrew gets up and leaves and then comes back and ask them if they are going to be quiet. Kris asks him if he knows what a Dutch Oven is, no response from Andrew, Kris/Hay laugh. Kathy and Enzo discuss Annie in the BY. Enzo says Monet is going up against another girl. Brit and Monet in the KT talking about what they want outside of the BB house. Rach/Brendon fell asleep in the HOH. Lane and Ragan are talking game and homophobia. Brit/Monet looking for the noise maker, Monet gets close but falls off the bed. Lane joins them in looking for the devices. Looks like Monet found one of them. They find a device under a mattress and Enzo/Brit/Monet start to say Andrew did it and he is the saboteur.
2-9amBBT: Monet shows Enzo the device she found. Hay/Kris in bed saying how annoying Britney is. Monet is messing with the device, getting it to make different sounds. Hayden and Kris talk about how the alliance they have can't be open like Rach/Bren. Hayden says their SHOWMANCE makes him want to gag, Kris agrees. The look for more devices, find no more and Monet puts the one back between the 2 rooms. Hay/Kris talk about how they do not really get them, but want to keep them close. Hay/Kris talk about adding Lane to the alliance. Enzo,Brit,Kathy,Lane talk about Andrew being the saboteur. Enzo pretends to be Julie and asks questions to the others. Alot of talk of marriages, high school, work. Hayden tells Kris what he like about her. Ragan comes in and talks about how he came out. All HG asleep around 3am except Kris/Hayden they are still talking in bed. The talk about where to sleep, Kris likes Kathy. FOTH. BB told them to go to sleep. Hayden says they will talk more tomorrow. They continue to talk till about 4 am about everything, game, what they like about each other. They seem to be starting a romance, they have alot in common. Kris puts Hayden's arm around her in the bed and they spoon. Around 7am Kris gets up and goes into another bed. She does not want anyone to see them together.
Posted by I.B. ME at 11:57 PM 0 comments
6:05-6:30pmBBT: HG all in the KT and LR, only 1 feed. Andrew looks like he has been scared by a mountain lion, this dude was freaked out by the voting and live show. Rachel looks so happy. Enzo nervous. Brendon happy. Brit/Monet nervous. Kathy is hard to tell she looks tired all the time. Just heard Britney say HEARTBREAKING. Rachel is thrilled, she is having a have nottie party. Kris,Enzo,Lane,Kathy at the table.
Rachel and Brendon are in the Taj room and Rach just said F You Annie, he isn't carrying me. Andrew comes in the change. Brendon and Rachel kissing. Ragan talking to Brit and Monet in the garbage room about Annie.
Brit,Monet,Lane and Matt in Jumanji room, not happy about losing.
6:30pmBBT: Brendon going to make dinner. Monet is pissed at herself. Britney and Enzo are upset also. Matt looks nervous. THEY EXPECTED TO WIN, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.
6:40pmBBT: Matt sitting in the Jumanji room looking depressed. Enzo and Matt are talking about what they are going to do. Enzo thinks Monet and Britney. Matt says Rachel can't think for herself so he does not know where they stand. Matt saying that Britney tells everyone everything. Matt wants Britney and Monet. They both do not trust Britney. Enzo is surprised that Rachel was picked for the bikini answer. HG are talking about how the set looked compared to on T.V. Brendon is going to serve dinner.
7pmBBT: HG in the BY eating tacos the Brendon made, the BY fridge had beer in it for the HG to enjoy with dinner.
HG are still hungry,Enzo is making more. Britney is telling Lane what Andrew said to her. He told Brit that she has been after him from day one and he is glad Rachel won. Britney said good poker face to him.Brit said Andrew can't help himself. Brit told Lane she is on the road to crying, she should of won. Brit said she would save Monet if she won POV and did not need to use it. Brit said she needs Monet in this game. Enzo is cooking more taco meat. Brit/Lane go to play pool.
7:12pmBBT: Enzo talking about Andrew being in an alliance with Rach/Bren. Monet/Enzo nervous in the KT. Enzo said the game changed fast, he thought Monet/Brit were going to win. Rachel does not look very happy now. Maybe she is trying to downplay it for the house.
7:40pmBBT: Brit is making break and bake cookies. Kathy is talking to Andrew. Lane is in the KT. Rachel,Ragan,Brendon in the hammock talking about how the live audience gasped when they heard Monet's answer.
7:52pmBBT: Kris/Ragan/Hayden and Matt talking about Annie and her going out first on the loungers.
7:55pmBBT: Most HG are outside. Brit/Andrew in Taj room talking it out. Britney is apologizing for thinking he was the saboteur. Andrew keeps telling Brit that he was happy she did not win because he thought she would put him up. Britney says she is not after him. Andrew said he feels like an outsider.
8pmBBT: Brit/Lane throwing a beach ball around. Enzo/Ragan sitting by the pool table. Kris/Hayden in the loungers. Rach/Bren in BY. Kathy on BY couches. HG seem uptight, first eviction?,Rachel winning? Lane going to DR. Rach in the KT with Monet and Brit. Monet asks about Andrew, Brit says he said nothing important. Matt trying to talk to Rachel/Brendon, they seem uncomfortable. Matt trys to get nominations.out of Rachel, she is not biting.
HG outside talking, working out, lounging. Rachel is talking about how her family is probably excited that she went from a have not,on the block to HOH. Matt in the KT with Britney and Monet, Lane comes in the KT and he and Monet tease each other.
BB is calling the HG in for DR sessions. Rachel.Brendon on the couches talking about Jen/Nick BB8. Kathy and Hayden are out there not saying much. Enzo comes outside to get a drink. Ragan and Matt in the KT talking about Matt ruining his mic, Andrew is there also.
8:40pmBBT: Matt is telling Ragan that he thinks he is going up. Ragan says no, your name has not come up that way. Matt is worried about Brendon and Andrew telling Rachel to put him up. Matt is going to try to talk to her. Britney tells Matt and Ragan that production will not let the Have Nots sleep upstairs. Brit talks about her DR and we get FOTH.
8:55pmBBT: Lane/Enzo are playing pool. Rach/Brendon cuddling on the couches.
9:06pmBBT:Matt,Britney,Ragan,Monet talking about endurance comps. They think it will be next week.
9:10pmBBT: Brit says she thought the saboteur was ANNIE.
9:15pmBBT: Ragan going into the HT. Kris/Kath/Lane/Hayden on the couches talking about nothing. The KT is pretty empty, just Andrew cleaning.
9:25pmBBT: Monet/Brit on the lounger not talking.
9:43pmBBT: Matt and Enzo leave the HOH first. They check the SR and BOOZE is there. Enzo and Lane think they are ok, they think Monet/Britney. Lane says she runs her mouth. BB gave them 3 bottle of wine and 4 beers. Kathy stays behind. Monet asks if she can take a bath. Kathy hugs Rachel. Rachel was talking about her HOH letter and her grandmother going into a nursing home. HG are boozing downstairs, they are soo boring.
9:53pmBBT: The HG are apologizing to Showtime After Dark for being so BORING. Enzo talks about answering Julie's question on the live show about slop,Enzo said he stumped her ass.
10:00pmBBT: Andrew/Kris/Hayden talk about Rachel winning HOH. Andrew tells Hayden to give his bed to Lane. Monet/Brit/Enzo talk about Andrew being with Rach/Brendon. They think Hayden made a deal for himself.Monet says that Hayden and Kris have something. Monet asks is Rachel was a stripper. Brit says Rachel's butt was showing. Enzo says they are a force won back to back POV and HOH. Brit in not happy, pouty. Brit said her HOH letter said she moved to Vegas to be a chemist, Rachel told them she went to Vegas to be a bartender. Ragan and Matt in the hammock, Matt tells Ragan that he thinks Brit is the saboteur.
10:15pmBBT: Rachel and Kathy are joined by Britney in the HOH. I did not listen to Kathy and Rachel, The mean girls were talking. Rachel putting her stuff away. Britney on the bed not talking. Kathy listening to a CD. Lane says Britney is blasted and in the HOH. Lane with Kristen and Hayden on the couches. Kristen said she noticed that Brit was drunk. Hayden says those girls change on a dime. Lane wants Kris to spy on them. Kristen said that Britney gives her the evil eye already. Hayden says she does the same to me. Lane says she had mean eyes. Hayden calls them cold eyes. Kristen telling Hayden what Rach said about putting Monet up. Monet is in the HOH room also. Andrew is putting laundry away.
10:45pmBBT: Lane/Hayden are making a pizza. Rachel and Brendon are in the HOH doing shots and drinking wine. Kathy,Brit,Kris on the couches. Matt/Ragan on the hammock. Monet in the HT, not happy. Rach/Brendon in the HOH talking about being a power couple, where they rank as a power couple. I can't watch.
11pmBBT: Monet getting ready for bed. Matt talked to Lane in the garbage room and Lane told him NOT to go to Rach and tell her Brit is the saboteur. Lane thinks that Matt is safe. Lane thinks Enzo would throw the brigade under the bus to save himself.
11:02pmBBT: Rach/Bren tipsy, Rach more so. Much more entertaining drunk. Rachel said Annie tried to break her and her man up. Brendon wants to be in the HOH for Annie's meetings.
11:05pmBBT: Brendon talking about not getting an internet dating spokesman gig because he did not have enough facebook friends. Brit has joined the KT. Now they are silent.
Andrew is in the HT alone with the beach ball.
11:15pmBBT: Lane/Brit/Monet/Matt talking about which single guys will get more action out of the BB house with women.Brendon and Rachel are alone in the HOH with the lights out getting cuddly. Enzo talking to Kristen about Annie.Kristen said that Annie should of got the house together and laid it all out.
11:40pmBBT: Rachel drunk and in the Cabana room. Hayden and Kristen are with her. Other HG came to look and left. Ragan/Brendon in the room. Ragan is upset that Annie froze him out when she left. Rachel is just laughing nonstop. Lane/Enzo/Monet/Kathy and Brit in the WC talking about putting cucumbers in your eyes.
Posted by I.B. ME at 5:26 PM 0 comments
8amBBT: All HG are sleeping. Andrew was up around 7am and did his prayers and went back to bed. Annie got up to go to the bathroom around 7:30am and went back to bed.
9amBBT: Ragan is up. Brendon made coffee and is cuting up veg.
9:15amBBT: Ragan is getting cereal, Brendon is in the KT cooking. There is a new noise, sounds like vacuum, it is going on and off.
9:25amBBT: Andrew is up and vacuuming, Brendon cooking still. Andrew now restocking cereals in the KT from the SR.
9:40amBBT: More HG are starting to get up, Lane and Annie are walking around. Andrew was saying how his ex is not supportive of him being on BB and we get FOTH. Looks like a LD is on. Feeds back. Enzo is up. I think BB woke them up.
10amBBT: Andrew is still cleaning up for the Live Show. BB did not wake them up, some HG are still in bed.
10:07amBBT: FOTH for about 5 min. now.
10:15amBBT: Feeds back, HG up in KT. Then we get FOTH.
10:30amBBT: Brit,Enzo,Rach,Enzo are in the KT. Lane,Annie,Ragan are in the Jumanji room. Brendon is eating. Kristen eating at the table. Annie now in the KT. Matt,Ragan and Lane are talking about what to wear for todays show.
Monet tells Brendon that he snores and Annie is talking about packing. All feeds are on the Jumanji room.
10:40amBBT: Hayden,Matt,Enzo,Ragan are in the HOH room. Now the girls are coming up, looks like the HOH LD has started.
10:50amBBT: HG talking about the music BB played to wake them up and the saboteur. FOTH. Britney is reading some paper the BB gave Hayden and it says noms. will be FRI.
11am-1pmBBT: HG not saying much, some small talk. Brit starts asking questions like Julie. Not much talk in the HOH. FOTH.
1-3pmBBT: Kri/Hayden/Matt/Monet/Annie in Cabana room they talk about where to sleep,other BB seasons. Ragan and Brendon are in the Taj room. Ragan talks about wanting to be a theater major, but no parts for him. Talk of endurance comps. Rach cuts Enzo and Andrews hair. A ton of talk about what will happen on the show tonight. These HG are obsessed about how they are portrayed. Picking out clothes to wear. Trivia about 2:15pm, preparing for the show tonight.
3-5pmBBT: HG getting ready in the WC. Rach,Brit,Kris,Monet doing makeup and hair. Andrew,Enzo walking around. Annie,Ragan in the Jumanji room. with Matt. Matt and Ragan are stressed about the show.
Rach/Brendon in the Taj room. Brendon asks what Rach will say, she said she would cry. Brendon gives her a few pointers on what to say. They are deciding on what to wear.
HG are getting food, getting ready and talk of So. California, they are trying to get Rachel to move there. Annie was in the SR practicing her evicition speech, sounds like she is going to let out some stuff. Rach/Brendon smooching.
Ragan,Matt,Brit in Juamanji room talking about double evictions. HG are walking in and out getting ready. They. The girls are dressed up the guys are not. The beep and cricket noises are still going on.
4pmBBT: Annie is in the Juamanji room and so is Lane, just general chit chat. Annie is dressed up. Kristen in the Jumanji room hanging out. Annie is nervous, her hands are shaking. Britney give the run down on how the show will go. Trivia at 4:30pm. Live show at 5pm Anyone who is on the WEST COAST can watch it HERE scroll down to CBS and click on it. Last shot before trivia came.
Posted by I.B. ME at 7:56 AM 0 comments
12am-2amBBT: Enzo in the HOH shooting down keeping Annie. Looks like Brendon and Rachel are the main targets. Brendon being the first to go of the two.
Lane,Hayden,Brit,Kristen and Kathy in the BY talking about comps. Lane leaves to go to bed. Brit is telling people to play strategically. Brit saying that Matt wants her bed and will not be on her HAVE NOT team so he can get it. Most of the BY goes in. Enzo/Brit talk about how much Kathy smokes. Enzo said he will be smoking if he is in her week 6. Rachel and Brendon in the Cabana room talking about science and kids. Most of the HG getting ready to go to bed so they can be alert for tomorrows comp.
Rach/Brendon continue Cabana talk about science. Kris/Hayden at KT counter flirting. Kris concerned that Brit would put her up if she won HOH. Hayden tells Kris she is hard to read and he only knows a few things about her. Kris says that is not true, Hayden does not agree. Dishes are done and they go to the BY. Hayden says Kris could be manipulative, Kris says she is complicated. Hayden says Britney is driving him crazy, Kris says she could never have a friend like her. Hay asks Kris why she did not even look at him outside the house when Julie said look around. Kris said she was nervous.Kris talks about high school. Convo. turns to other HG, they both like Matt/Kathy. Kris does not understand Matt, Hayden downplays knowing him that well. Kristen wants Bren/Rach to stay,Hayden is scared Brendon is coming after him. They talk about how it sucks that they can't hang out more without people talking. Kris tries to sway Hay about Brendon and Rachel. Kris talks about Andrew her and Hayden having a secret alliance and nobody can find out. Hayden tells Kris that Brendon is not an athlete. Enzo/Lane are still up and laughing in the Jumanji room. The beeps and chirps are still going on. Hayden wants Brit gone next. Kristen wants Kathy and Rachel to stay only out of the girls. Kris says it was fishy how Brendon won POV. The convo. breaks up and Hayden goes to the HOH and gets ready for bed, checks the spy screen and goes to bed. Monet is the one who is sleeping with Brendon.
Posted by I.B. ME at 7:27 AM 0 comments
BB12 Live Feed Updates:
8:59BBT: Feeds are live, a lot of laughing in the BY. Whispering with the girls Rachael,Annie and Kathy. Monet in HT With Ragan,Lane, Britney and a few others.
9:05pmBBT: Most of the HG are in the BY, either on the couches or in the HT. Enzo on the couch. Rachel in the HT now. HG have booze, so things could get interesting. FOTH, one of the HG did a shout out.
9:10pm-9:30pmBBT: Annie is whispering about Enzo to Kathy. Said he had a baby penis and is a POS. Andrew pulled up Annie's blanket and she is pissed and feels violated. Monet is on the couch listening to them and agrees. Annie and Kathy love Ragan. Ragan is a have not.
9:30-10:30pmBBT: Enzo,Lane and Matt want Andrew out. Enzo talks to Andrew listens to what he has to say about everyone walking away when he comes in the room. Everyone loves everyone. Enzo bathmouting Andrew to Annie. Enzo, Lane Matt and Britney talk about Rachel. They agree she will take Brendon off the block if she wins. Britney,Lane,Enzo and Matt seem to be in some sort of alliance. Andrew has been named CAPTAIN OBVIOUS because they all think he is the saboteur. Brendon seems to get on a few peoples nerves. Monet and Kathy agree that Annie will say whatever you want to hear. Monet and Kathy saying they can't stand Annie. Annie is all over Hayden per Monet.
10:30-11pmBBT: Andrew and Kathy talking on the couches about Annie. HT crew talking about Justin Beiber. Andrew said Annie is making him look bad, trying to convince Kathy to go with him. Britney and Monet say they have Lane wraped up. Enzo tells Lane he does not trust Andrew, thinks he would throw them under the bus in a minute. Again we will have to hear thrown under the bus all season. Ezno thinks BB is the saboteur and none of them are a saboteur. The saboteur put X's on HG photos. Andrew says her wants to eliminate all the women except Kathy and Kristen.
11pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Lane playing pool. Enzo mad that Andrew is telling everyone in the house that he is in a gang. Matt said he used to beat off to Showtime and now he is on it. Enzo saying the house is going to get crazy fast. He seems to say what is on is mind. Enzo that people need to be picked off now, he can't wait till the POV. Enzo saying that Kathy and Monet are together. Says Monet was crying about how Rachel reacted when she picked her for POV. Calling the Green Leaf Wallpaper room the Jumanji Room. Britney and Monet in KT. Monet goes outside. Britney eating. Lane in the KT getting something to drink. He tells Britney he lost at pool. Andrew and Kathy on the couch. Andrew asking Monet if she cooked on a sheet to make sure it is kosher still. Matt and Lane covered the pool table and are inside now.
11:10pmBBT: Kristen a HAVE NOT. going to ask BB for a blender. Enzo in HOH with Matt and Hayden. Short FOTH. Andrew to DR. Enzo seem to be a real force in the house right now.
11:20pmBBT: Listening to HOH convo. with THE BOYS. Hightlights Kristen is a wild card, threatened by Brendon and Rachel. Like Annie more than Rachel. Andrew is the saboteur. Want Annie out quick by week 3, BD or jut put up. Matt says if Brendon stays fool him into thinking he is safe and family. Matt does not think he or Enzo should be HOH next. Enzo talking about the gang comment Andrew made.
11:30pmBBT: Rachel in HOH. Hayden went downstairs. Ragan in KT. Britney in KT. Kristen also, waiting for pizza. Brendon,Andrew and Rachel seem to be the odd HG out.
11:45pmBBT: Annie saying Andrew was bitching about making cookies and pizza on a sheet and now it is ruined. Kathy complaining obout how he comes on to her and gets in her space. Lane is just listening. Annie runs inside. Britney just listening. Calling him creepy.