8amBBT: All HG are sleeping. Andrew was up around 7am and did his prayers and went back to bed. Annie got up to go to the bathroom around 7:30am and went back to bed.
9amBBT: Ragan is up. Brendon made coffee and is cuting up veg.
9:15amBBT: Ragan is getting cereal, Brendon is in the KT cooking. There is a new noise, sounds like vacuum, it is going on and off.
9:25amBBT: Andrew is up and vacuuming, Brendon cooking still. Andrew now restocking cereals in the KT from the SR.
9:40amBBT: More HG are starting to get up, Lane and Annie are walking around. Andrew was saying how his ex is not supportive of him being on BB and we get FOTH. Looks like a LD is on. Feeds back. Enzo is up. I think BB woke them up.
10amBBT: Andrew is still cleaning up for the Live Show. BB did not wake them up, some HG are still in bed.
10:07amBBT: FOTH for about 5 min. now.
10:15amBBT: Feeds back, HG up in KT. Then we get FOTH.
10:30amBBT: Brit,Enzo,Rach,Enzo are in the KT. Lane,Annie,Ragan are in the Jumanji room. Brendon is eating. Kristen eating at the table. Annie now in the KT. Matt,Ragan and Lane are talking about what to wear for todays show.
Monet tells Brendon that he snores and Annie is talking about packing. All feeds are on the Jumanji room.
10:40amBBT: Hayden,Matt,Enzo,Ragan are in the HOH room. Now the girls are coming up, looks like the HOH LD has started.
10:50amBBT: HG talking about the music BB played to wake them up and the saboteur. FOTH. Britney is reading some paper the BB gave Hayden and it says noms. will be FRI.
11am-1pmBBT: HG not saying much, some small talk. Brit starts asking questions like Julie. Not much talk in the HOH. FOTH.
1-3pmBBT: Kri/Hayden/Matt/Monet/Annie in Cabana room they talk about where to sleep,other BB seasons. Ragan and Brendon are in the Taj room. Ragan talks about wanting to be a theater major, but no parts for him. Talk of endurance comps. Rach cuts Enzo and Andrews hair. A ton of talk about what will happen on the show tonight. These HG are obsessed about how they are portrayed. Picking out clothes to wear. Trivia about 2:15pm, preparing for the show tonight.
3-5pmBBT: HG getting ready in the WC. Rach,Brit,Kris,Monet doing makeup and hair. Andrew,Enzo walking around. Annie,Ragan in the Jumanji room. with Matt. Matt and Ragan are stressed about the show.
Rach/Brendon in the Taj room. Brendon asks what Rach will say, she said she would cry. Brendon gives her a few pointers on what to say. They are deciding on what to wear.
HG are getting food, getting ready and talk of So. California, they are trying to get Rachel to move there. Annie was in the SR practicing her evicition speech, sounds like she is going to let out some stuff. Rach/Brendon smooching.
Ragan,Matt,Brit in Juamanji room talking about double evictions. HG are walking in and out getting ready. They. The girls are dressed up the guys are not. The beep and cricket noises are still going on.
4pmBBT: Annie is in the Juamanji room and so is Lane, just general chit chat. Annie is dressed up. Kristen in the Jumanji room hanging out. Annie is nervous, her hands are shaking. Britney give the run down on how the show will go. Trivia at 4:30pm. Live show at 5pm Anyone who is on the WEST COAST can watch it HERE scroll down to CBS and click on it. Last shot before trivia came.
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