7pm-7:30BBT: Ragan,Kristen,Kathy,Matt,Hayden in BY talking about Enzo and how he crack them up and he must make BB laugh in DR. They are talking about how they are portrayed on the show.
Lane comes into HOH with Monet and Britney. More talk of Rachel's reaction to pulling Monet's name in the POV. Annie talk.
Andrew in the KT, Brendon asks what he is eating. Andrew said leftovers. Brendon offers to cook. Sometimes Andrew comes off as an A**hole. Brit teasing Lane in HOH. Enzo in the HT outside. Brendon and Annie still cooking. Brit tells Lane that Annie told her that he dated a porn star and it was ok with him that she made movies while they were together. Lane tells Brit. that his ex left the business before they were together and she had a kid. Lane,Brit,Monet leave HOH and go into HT with ENZO. HT crew talk about POV comp.
7:30pm-8pmBBT: Andrew in HOH with Hayden pleading his case. Hay tells Andrew to tell Annie her is sorry for the blanket incident on Thurs. Hayden says he does not think Andrew is the Saboteur, says people are gunning for you. Andrew and Hayden are trying to figure out who the saboteur is.
Switching to BY. Bren,Rach,Ragan,Matt in BY on couches. Hear some female voices in the background. BY talking about food.
Kristen and Rachel go inside. Brendon telling a story about meeting Jason Statham-Transporter actor at the Hard Rock Hotel,Las Vegas. Annie comes outside and starts to leave and Matt tells her to stay. Jason's girl was sick and Brendon's friend gave her his jacket, Jason appreciated it and he hit it off with Bren and his friend John. Jason invited them to a strip club but Bren could not find his friends so he went with Jason and his girl and her 2 friends. The got lap dances and drank with them. Annie chimes in that Andy Dick payed for her to go to Vegas, Andy was in love with Annie's sister. Annie totally hijacked Brendon's story. Annie is giving details. FOTH when a Seinfeld person is mentioned, THANKS ANNIE.
8-9pmBBT: Rach comes into HOH, Andrew leaves. Hayden and Rach make a deal. Matt knocks on the door, he gives Hay and Rach some time with to talk, waits outside HOH. Rach leaves, Matt comes in and tells Matt what Rach said.
Matt and Hayden talking about making a deal with Bren/Rach then going after them next week. They laugh about Enzo being paranoid. Alot of HG in the KT, then they clear out. Andrew apologizes to Annie, she accepts, she calls him Captain Kosher.
8:20pmBBT: Lane in BY talking to Annie, Ragan, Kristen, talking about relationships. Enzo,Matt,Kath and Andrew in Cabana room talking about fish and other non-game stuff. Enzo laughing and cracking in the Cabana Room.
8:30pmBBT: BY crew talking relationships. Annie and Kristen with Hayden and Lane. Rachel doing handstands. Annie keeps talking about how loyal and understanding she is in a relationship.Rach and Brendon in the HT not really talking. Britney and Annie at the KT table.
8:40pmBBT: Britney telling Annie people are wondering and talking about you hanging out and cooking with Brendon. Britney is a cutthroat. Brit warning Annie in a oblique way.
Britney bitching about Andrew again. Annie told her that Andrew apologized to her after he prayed all day. Going to BY. Rach and Bren talking in HT. They seem comfortable still.
9pmBBT: Rach,Matt in Cabana Room talking about POV ceremony with Enzo. Kristen,Lane in BY.
9:15-10pmBBT: Annie and Brit have joined the Cabana Room discussion.HG talking about how to remember dates. Enzo says "What are we doing in here". He just says stuff out of nowhere. Rach talking about kissing Brendon. Brit asks if he is endowed, Rach says I hope so. Brendon and Annie in the hammock, he is telling Annie how much he is into Rach., Told Annie she is not his type.
Brendon never thought that he would be attracted to Rach. Annie and Bren are talking about Fake Boobs.
Enzo is dozing in the Cabana Room. Annie/Bren still in the hammock. Rach in HT with Hayden,Monet and Britney and Kristen. Not much else going on. Conversation is not flowing in the BB house tonight.
10pmBBT: Kathy and Andrew talking on the couches about religion.
FOTH when Kathy starts talking about child support and one of her grandparents. Hot Tub crew talking about non-game stuff.
10:15pmBBT: Bren,Enzo,Ragan,Lane,Brendon joking in KT.
10:15pmBBT: Rach,Brit,Monet,Annie talking in BY. Rachel looks uncomfortable. Hayden not saying much.
Kristen talking about skiing with Hayden. Brit.and Monet leave HT. Going back to KT crew.
The boys club, hanging with BRENDON, how interesting would that be if Brendon joined them?
Annie was hanging with the boys before DR called her in. Pretty boring right now, need BOOZE in the BB house.
10:26pmBBT: Annie chatting up Hayden in the HT. Brendon in the KT. Looks like they are keeping space from each other. Kristen in the HT, but not saying much. Hot Tub crew talking about the live feed mics. and where they are. Hello, you are wearing a mic. all the time. Enzo joins the hot tub talkers and starts bitching about how much he ate today.
Monet,Brit,Lane,Brendon talking about how tense and anxious the BB house makes you. When Brendon walks away to clean up Britney starts yapping. Brit leaves the table to go to the SR. Matt at the table also.
10:35pmBBT: Hot Tub crew having a nice chat, getting to know each other. The camera is on Rachel a lot and she seems tense around Enzo.
10:40pmBBT: KT talking about Andrew and where he is, some still think he is the saboteur.
10:45pmBBT: Britney goes to HOH to lay down. Kathy and Monet in WC. Kathy has not told Monet yet, that Hayden is putting her up.
11pmBBT: Monet/Brit in HOH talking about Andrew being the saboteur. Brit says Andrew is weird. Britney is cold as ice.They talk about Kristen, being a wild card. They do not think she is hot but Hayden does. Making fun of her boobs.
Brit says Kristen annoys her and so do her stories. Brit making fun of her voice and how she talks. Britney says she hates her and would never be friends with her outside of the house. Now they are ripping apart Rachel when she was doing handstands earlier.
Hot Tub crew not talking about much, but not nasty like the HOH.
11:14pmBBT: Lane and Hayden in SR. Lane wants Rachel gone,thinks Annie is easier to manipulate. Also Lane says Annie is going to be easy to get rid of. Lane thinks Kathy should not go up. Lane pushing for Annie to stay over Rachel. Not sure what Hayden is thinking.
11:20pmBBT: Annie in HOH with Britney and Monet. Britney says to push away from Brendon. Annie said she is not going to sleep in the same bed as him. Brit asked if Annie was offered an alliance.
WOW Britney is such a liar and a very good one at that, she has been insinuating that Annie is with Brendon and Rachel. Annie is nervous about the Brendon talk in her one alliance. Annie in the Cabana room with Hayden and she is upset about the Brendon rumors. Annie aks Hayden who told you this afternoon this Brendon stuff, he does not name anyone.
11:40pmBBT: Annie doing her fake outrage act. She has been sniffing around Brendon since the feeds came on. Now she is upset at how it looks, GMAB. Hayden tells Annie that some are afer her, he also tells her that some feel she is playing all sides. Annie trying to get Hayden to tell her who said what.
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