Sunday, July 11, 2010


6pmBBT: Annie telling Matt and Ragan that Hayden is scared of Brendon and that is why he is keeping Rachel. Matt tells Annie not to be embarrassed. Ragan left the room for something. All feeds on Taj room still.

6:20pmBBT: Feeds outside. Brendon talking Hayden about house pressure, the rest of the HG get involved. Enzo,Brit,Monet,Kathy outside also. Enzo making fish and potato for HG. Bugs are all over because of the food on the fake grass. The food is from the comps.
6:35pmBBT: Brendon and Lane in Cabana room, Annie joins them. Lane mentions masturbation and Brendon tells him to stop it. Brendon leaves. Annie pitches Lane why she should stay. Annie telling Lane that Brendon tried to screw her. I guess Brendon told Lane that he would go after Annie, if Rach was not in the house. Lane tells Annie to show Brendon her vagina and pubes, he is a pig sometimes.

6:45pmBBT: Lane/Annie conversation continues about how and who to get for Annie to stay. Lane wants Annie. Annie says Rachel brings Brendon nothing to the game. Annie calls Kathy a floater.
6:50pmBBT: Brit.,Kathy,Monet talking in BY about Annie campaigning. Monet says she wants Rachel to apologize for the face at the POV comp. name pull. Brit compared Annie to a mountain lion.
6:50pmBBT: Lane and Hayden still in Cabana room, Hayden dropped by but left. Lane saying Rachel is fake and he is uncomfortable when she tries to chat up Annie.
7pmBBT: Annie is going to try to stay. Lane says nobody is loyal and they will repeat what you said. Lane does not believe Britney.  Britney told Lane that Annie was not crying about her parents but Brendon. Monet,Hayden,Brit,Enzo,Kathy in BY talking about th upcoming twists in the game. Brit telling BY about how Lane keeps asking if her and Kathy are related, her moms age, name. Brit told Lane he is over thinking this.Monet bored and can't think of anything to do. Brendon to DR. Feeds back to Annie and Lane. Lane asks Annie why she is now talking to him. Lane is looking for some action in the BB house. Lane tells Annie that Brendon will be gone soon. Lane saying Hayden is scared and easy to manipulate. Rachel will never win. Rachel walks by Lane and Annie in Cabana room. Lane tells Annie that people thought she was the saboteur. Annie is amused by this.
7:20pmBBT: Ragan comes into the Cabana room and Annie asks for his vote, tells Ragan she thinks she has the numbers. Annie tells Raganto think about it. They start to talk about gay guys and girls.
Enzo in the KT cooking, HG are shuffling  in and out, they are hungry. Kristen/Rachel in WC putting makeup on. Lane joins Brit,Hay,Monet,Kathy in the BY.
7:23PMBBT: Feeds on the BY. They are talking about IKEA and the selections they have. Matt goes inside with Ragan. Britney talking about what they did during the ceremony  today does not match the TV show. Annie telling Rachel about how she paid to come on BB and she only had a week. Rachel is listening but not caring. Annie is trying to work her. Rachel and Annie start to talk about hair.
7:34pmBBT: Ragan and Matt are eating slop. Annie at the KT counter. Andrew in the KT now. Lane is eating. Enzo cooking.Rachel in WC. Hayden just walked past the KT. Andrew is eating  fish and salad. Enzo still cooking.
7:45pmBBT: Cooking still going on in the KT. BY relaxing before dinner.

7:44pmBBT: Matt/Enzo in LR talking about the world cup and food. Enzo said he may put himself on slopp next week. Lane joins them now. Lane asking where everyone is. Enzo calls them F'in gamers. Brendon out to the diary room. Andrew now eating in the LR. FOTH.
8pmBBT: BY has been laughing about Kathy and her stories. They all want to crack up when she tells them, but hold it in. Have Nots are going to eat at 12am.
8:10pmBBT: Dinner is served by Enzo. Kathy and Kristen say the house stinks of fish now. Hayden eating outside, Kristen laying on the BY couch. Hayden said it stinks, so he did not touch it.

8:13pmBBT: Feeds on BY. Not much talk going on. Enzo gets a drink and goes back inside to eat.

8:22pmBBT: HG done eating. Some are hanging out in the LR. Some are outside on the couches. Talk of the saboteur,food for the Have Nots at 12am, taking a nap.
8:30-9pmBBT: Annie has joine the LR crew. More talk of food, Annie says a lot of food is gone. Rachel talks about her boobs. Talk of VH1 reality shows and cast. Ragan sleeping in the hammock. HG outside quiet now. Matt,Brit,Bren,Rach talking in the LR.

Annie talking to Kristen in the BY. Kristen tells Annie to fight and lay it out on the table and defend herself. Annie telling Kris what Britney did to her. Annie tells Kris she may have a couple of votes. Kris says things can change you may not be going home. No other HG on the couches with them. Annie said she lashed out at Britney cause she was angry at the POV ceremony. Annie telling Kris that Rachel is not a good bet over her. Kristen saying she is not on anyones side. Annie wants to know why she is a target. Annie said what is the big deal about the padlock on the SR, it was only two days slop.

8:56pmBBT: Annie telling Kristen about Brendon picking Rachel over her. Kris said she will feel bad when she puts people up.Kathy and Enzo in the BY on a lounger.. Hayden in HOH putting on deodorant. Rachel just ran outside. Matt and Britney in LR with Brendon and Rachel. They are talking about the saboteur. Brit tells everyone in LR that she is going for a vacation prize in the comps. she gave up a vacation to be on BB.
9pmBBT: Andrew playing pool with Hayden, Enzo and Kathy talking about how much food they eat, Enzo wants to cut back. Enzo jogging tonight.and Kathy will walk around the BB inner wall compound.
9:06pmBBT: Andrew beat Hayden, they are calling Andrew Captain Kosher. Andrew seems to be happier. Lane playing pool. Rachel came out to ask Lane about the taco stands in Texas. Rachel is talking about food.
9:11pmBBT: Rach,Rag,Annie in KT talking about the next message from the saboteur. Rachel wants a nap. Kristen in the KT now. Ragan excited to be eating at 12am.  Brendon talking about kissing Rachel, Brendon makes a comment it was for the SHOWMANCE, hope he is kidding, if not he is an ass.
9:17pmBBT: Britney knows all about the past HG, all the deails of the show and personal lives, Britney a true BB fan. Annie and Ragan at KT counter. Annie looks annoyed that Rach is chatting up Matt and Britney. Kristen in the KT getting carrots. Ragan talking about what food he is going to eat first and how.
9:20pmBBT: Monet and Annie in the Cabana room. Annie pitching herself to Monet and explaining herself. Monet said she never heard Brit tell Hayden, and Brit told you not to approach Hayden. Annie tells the whole sleeping with Brendon thing, BLAH,BLAH.
9:25pmBBT:  Monet says Brendon will not be here long. Annie said she will put up Brendon up if she wins HOH. Annie said she was out of her mind at the POV ceremony. Not sure if Monet is open or not to Annie staying. Annie saying Hayden made a deal with Brendon. Annie saying Brendon is keeping Rach. Annie says she needs six to stay. Annie and Monet compare Rach/Bren to Jeff/Jordan BB11. They seem to resent Jordan and Rachel.
9:30pmBBT: Matt,Brit,Bren,Rach in LR still talking about the saboteur. Enzo, Lane, Andrew and Ragan in LR . Annie says Rachel is more work then she is worth. Monet surprised that they hooked up so quick. Annie telling Monet that Lane is being a cheerleader. Annie does not know if the bond in the HAVE NOT room is real or just because they are in the room together. Monet says she will vote with Hayden, she would like to vote for Annie. Monet annoyed about the Rachel eye roll. Annie keeps saying Hayden is afraid of Brendon. Monet said Brendon wants me to go up, Annie said probably. Monet said Brendon should of aligned with you.
9:40pmBBT: Monet asks where Kristen's head is. Annie said she is hard to read. Monet does not understand the Kristen and Hayden connection. Monet mentions that Kristen has a boyfriend. Monet notices that Brendon and Rachel talking to Hayden more. Annie said that Brendon will go after  you. Monet saying that she is sarcastic. Annie does not understand why he is attracted to Rachel.

9:54pmBBT: Kath,Hay,Kris on a lounger just relaxing. Enzo and Lane on the BY couches talking about sex,bb cameras. I just can't type some of the stuff Lane says. Annie pitching to Enzo, not sure he is buying.

10:02pmBBT: Rachel/Brendon laying down in the Taj room. Rachel asks if Brendon is sure Annie is going. Rachel said she is stupid to flip on Brit. bbut people like her.
10:05pmBBT: Annie is still working Enzo/Lane. Lane seems to want to help her, not sure if Enzo will. Enzo thinks that Rachel is there to have fun. Annie keeps saying she will take Brendon out if they give her one week. BB tells Rachel it is time to get up for the day. Enzo says someone in BB prod. has a strong pimp hand tonight
10:10BBT: Enzo making fun of Kathy smoking and how she talks. Enzo said he fell asleep during a story and when he woke up she was still talking.
10:16pmBBT: Annie said she is sick of Rachel saying Vegas. Annie's knives are out for Rachel tonight. Lane and Enzo join in. Lane is curious about Rachel's gummi bear breat implants. Annie said her boobs feel like bags. Enzo says he misses Jersey. Lane giving Rachel tips about what to say to Hayden.
10:21pmBBT: Rachel giving Brendon a back rub in the Taj room. Lane,Enzo and Annie talking about POV. Enzo said Brendon put up a sentence, he is f'in superman. Lane said it fell into Brendon's lap.
10:25pmBBT: Rachel and Brendon talking about Hayden and Kristen. They like them both and want an alliance. Brendon telling Rachel that they have to win HOH to stay in the game. Lane saying that Brendon could backdoor him next week . Enzo asked Annie if Brendon told Hayden to put you up so Rach can stay. Annie says she kinda believes it. Lane said to paint a picture to Hayden why Rachel is a better choice to go. Enzo saying Britney was scared today because of you at the POV.
10:30pmBBT: BB gave the HG wine and beer, the HAVE NOTS want to wait till midnight to drink. Enzo and Lane went in the house to mess with the HAVE NOTS. Andrew talking to Annie on the BY couches. Annie asking Andrew where his head is at. Andrew said that Brit hates you and nobody approaches him with information. Annie now looking for Andrew's vote after she maligned him last week. Annie saying Hayden told her to talk to people and he will keep an open mind. Andrew said he is on board if Annie gets five votes. Andrew does not want his name mentioned to Hayden. Lane outside again, annoyed that they are waiting till midnight.
10:38pmBBT: Britney,Monet,Kathy talking about Annie and how SHE CAN'T STAY in the SR. Britney says she will accept her apology and leave it at that. The girls will do what they can to get rid of Annie.

10:45pmBBT: Kathy searching the SR cabinets for food to eat tonight and looking for ear cleaner. Annie with Ragan, pitching.
11pmBBT: Annie talking to Ragan about getting his vote, he is not commiting. Annie is telling the Brendon/Britney story again. They talk about food and smelling food cooking.
11:10pmBBT: Rach/Ragan cooking pizza,burgers,tacos, french fries. Annie is hanging out in the KT and being personable. Rachel tells Annie that Brendon is AMAZING. Kathy watching everyone cook. Annie talks to Brendon and tells his she is annoyed with him, he seems confused. Annie frustrated.
11:30pmBBT: Annie in the Taj room talking to herself. Crying and pulling a tantrum throwing pillows off the bed.
11:35pmBBT: Andrew,Matt,Rach,Brendon in KT cooking and talking.
11:40pmBBT: Annie muttering to herself, I think she said what would Jack Bauer do?, the character from 24?, has she lost her mind. YES. Annie is in a funk, she puts a blanket over her and goes into the KT.
11:50pmBBT: Matt,Andrew and Ragan watching the cooking .
11:55pmBBT: Kathy,Enzo, Annie on BY couches. HG go inside for Have Not food and booze.


BB12 Live Feed Updates:

July 8th 2010:

8:59BBT: Feeds are live, a lot of laughing in the BY. Whispering with the girls Rachael,Annie and Kathy. Monet in HT With Ragan,Lane, Britney and a few others.

9:05pmBBT: Most of the HG are in the BY, either on the couches or in the HT. Enzo on the couch. Rachel in the HT now. HG have booze, so things could get interesting. FOTH, one of the HG did a shout out.

9:10pm-9:30pmBBT: Annie is whispering about Enzo to Kathy. Said he had a baby penis and is a POS. Andrew pulled up Annie's blanket and she is pissed and feels violated. Monet is on the couch listening to them and agrees. Annie and Kathy love Ragan. Ragan is a have not.

9:30-10:30pmBBT: Enzo,Lane and Matt want Andrew out. Enzo talks to Andrew listens to what he has to say about everyone walking away when he comes in the room. Everyone loves everyone. Enzo bathmouting Andrew to Annie. Enzo, Lane Matt and Britney talk about Rachel. They agree she will take Brendon off the block if she wins. Britney,Lane,Enzo and Matt seem to be in some sort of alliance. Andrew has been named CAPTAIN OBVIOUS because they all think he is the saboteur. Brendon seems to get on a few peoples nerves. Monet and Kathy agree that Annie will say whatever you want to hear. Monet and Kathy saying they can't stand Annie. Annie is all over Hayden per Monet.

10:30-11pmBBT: Andrew and Kathy talking on the couches about Annie. HT crew talking about Justin Beiber. Andrew said Annie is making him look bad, trying to convince Kathy to go with him. Britney and Monet say they have Lane wraped up. Enzo tells Lane he does not trust Andrew, thinks he would throw them under the bus in a minute. Again we will have to hear thrown under the bus all season. Ezno thinks BB is the saboteur and none of them are a saboteur. The saboteur put X's on HG photos. Andrew says her wants to eliminate all the women except Kathy and Kristen.

11pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Lane playing pool. Enzo mad that Andrew is telling everyone in the house that he is in a gang. Matt said he used to beat off to Showtime and now he is on it. Enzo saying the house is going to get crazy fast. He seems to say what is on is mind. Enzo that people need to be picked off now, he can't wait till the POV. Enzo saying that Kathy and Monet are together. Says Monet was crying about how Rachel reacted when she picked her for POV. Calling the Green Leaf Wallpaper room the Jumanji Room. Britney and Monet in KT. Monet goes outside. Britney eating. Lane in the KT getting something to drink. He tells Britney he lost at pool. Andrew and Kathy on the couch. Andrew asking Monet if she cooked on a sheet to make sure it is kosher still. Matt and Lane covered the pool table and are inside now.

11:10pmBBT: Kristen a HAVE NOT. going to ask BB for a blender. Enzo in HOH with Matt and Hayden. Short FOTH. Andrew to DR. Enzo seem to be a real force in the house right now.

11:20pmBBT: Listening to HOH convo. with THE BOYS. Hightlights Kristen is a wild card, threatened by Brendon and Rachel. Like Annie more than Rachel. Andrew is the saboteur. Want Annie out quick by week 3, BD or jut put up. Matt says if Brendon stays fool him into thinking he is safe and family. Matt does not think he or Enzo should be HOH next. Enzo talking about the gang comment Andrew made.

11:30pmBBT: Rachel in HOH. Hayden went downstairs. Ragan in KT. Britney in KT. Kristen also, waiting for pizza. Brendon,Andrew and Rachel seem to be the odd HG out.
11:35pmBBT: Andrew bitching about not having any Kosher Ice Cream. Hayden says he can have some of his Ben and Jerrys. Brendon in the KT. Ragan smelling the food. Andrew talking about kosher food. Britney in BY with Kathy and Monet and Lane. Monet to DR. A lot of HG complaining about the late DR's. Brit,Lane,Kathy trying to figure out the schedule. The HG are saying they have been in the house for 5 days. Talk of Brendon taking himself off the block if he wins. Lane doubts he can win. Kathy saying he will fight hard. Switched to HOH with Enzo,Matt and Rachel. Four or Five HG are yawning. Brendon in the HOH also. More talk of Kristen being a dark horse in the HOH. Annie in the BY seems to be freaking out.

11:45pmBBT: Annie saying Andrew was bitching about making cookies and pizza on a sheet and now it is ruined. Kathy complaining obout how he comes on to her and gets in her space. Lane is just listening. Annie runs inside. Britney just listening. Calling him creepy.

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