12AMBBT: HG in cabana talking about sex,clothes. Lane and Enzo are cracking up about Kathy telling them she says lives for a living and is not afraid of a challenge. Ragan comes into the KT and they stop. Lane and Enzo talk about how Rach/Bren should of been on the block. Enzo said they need to start thinking ahead. Enzo said Brit will be good to throw under the bus. Lane says Bren/Rach need to go. Matt joins Enzo and says Ragan is friends with everyone. Enzo calls Bren Bill Gates with muscles. Enzo making fun of Kathy again, doing his impression of her asking for his vote.
12:30amBBT: Enzo at the KT table talking about food. Looks like the LD will be all night. Matt wants more booze. Enzo says he is in penalty mode, he wants to eat. Kathy in the cabana with Rach/Brit, it has quieted down in there they are talking votes. Rach tells them that Hay/Kris are having a showmance.Brit and Kathy don't bite, Kathy says lets get back to the votes. Bren comes in to say goodnight. Rach says she does not feel close to anyone in the house game wise. Kathy says she doesn't either. Sounds like Kathy has their votes.
12:42amBBT: Some HG have gone to sleep. The brigade is in the KT cracking up and talking loud. Enzo is cracking up over Kathy. The Brigade talkd about Kathy with Rach in the cabana talking mad game.Kathy asks if she can tell people that Rach/Brit are voting for her. Brit says not to use names.Talk about how tough Andrew is and always the last to quit. Rach say she doesn't control Brens vote.She will do what is best for her and Bren. Kathy will not bad mouth Andrew and that says she needs to stay in BB for personal reasons and medical. Kathy said she needs to be in BB even if it is only to the jury house.
1amBBT: HG waiting for LD to be over. Rach is with Bren in the cabana, she is moody tonight. Enzo said they won't last, she drinks a lot and Bren won't put up with it. Matt and Enzo agree the jury house is not an option, they have to win. Brit in the KT, she was wrestling with Lane earlier.
1:15amBBT: HG annoyed they can't go outside. Hay/Brit/Matt/Enzo at the table talking about school. Rach/Bren in the cabana kissing.
1:22amBBT: Hay/Lane talk in Juamanji about Bren putting Lane up cause he mentioned that people who dropped early are not in the game. Talk about Ragan putting up Lane, Hay said no way, they want to get Bren out ASAP.
1:30amBBT: Enzo and Matt in the HOH talking about getting Bren/Rach out. Call them sloppy and skanky. Enzo wants to know where Andrew's head is at. Matt said I screwed up. Enzo said Kathy needs to go. Enzo thinks America hates Rach but like Bren. Enzo said Bren is a nice guy and Matt agrees. Matt thinks he is unstoppable. Talk about Hay/Kris being the 2 that know each other.
1:46amBBT: Hay comes to the HOH. Matt says watch out for Brendon. The only HG up are Brenchel and the 3 in the HOH. Matt/Enzo keep repeating that they screwed. Matt said he did not break the remote. Hay asks who is going. Matt said Kathy. Enzo seems to what Kathy to stay. Hay says Kathy won't win. Enzo making fun of Kathy at the POV comp. Enzo says Andrew does not like Rach. Matt wants him to stay to take Rach out. Enzo making fun of Kathy after she lost the POV.
1:53amBBT: HOH talking about how to make it through 2 more weeks and they will be safe till final four.
2amBBT: Hay goes to bed. Enzo is throwing Brit under the bus. Enzo said she started the house meeting. Matt agrees. Enzo did not like her being friendly with Rach. Enzo is making fun of Brit, tells her to go on the Wheel of Fortune if she does not like confrontation.Matt calls Andrew paranoid, Enzo says he is sneaky.
2:11amBBT: Enzo and Matt talking about keeping side alliances, he has Ragan. Lane and Enzo have Brit. Hay has Kris. The side alliances will be the last to leave.
2:22amBBT: Matt brings us his FAKE website for his wifes FAKE illness to Enzo. Enzo offers to help get donations. Talk more of who to put up and with who, planning the weeks ahead.
2:25amBBT: Enzo leaves HOH and goes downstairs. Rach and Bren are asleep in the Have Not room. Enzo going to bed. The house is quiet
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