12:25pmBBT: HG out of HOH lockdown, still on a indoor LD. Brit and Lane in the WC. Andrew getting food. Brit telling the other HG about her dream she had in the HOH.
12:40pmBBT: Hay tells Andrew in the Have Not room that he is voting for Kathy to stay. When he leaves Andrew looks at the camera and says I am still giving my speech, I like you Hayden but I don't like Kristen. Brit and Rach talk in the SR. Brit wanted to know what Rach said to Ragan. Rach does'nt tell her.
12:50pmBBT: Rach and Kathy in the WC getting ready. Kathy is being much nicer to Rach and Bren now. Kris and Hay in the cabana not talking. HG are cleaning the house for the live show.
12:52pmBBT: Andrew is packing in the Have Not room. He has accepted his fate of leaving. Kathy is back to kissing butt with Rach and Bren in case they win HOH. Hayden is trying to suck up to Andrew so he does not blow up his game with his speech. Matt joins Kris and Hay in the cabana. Ragan and Bren cooking. Brit is sweeping.
1:05pmBBT: Kris and Hay in the cabana room fliritng. Rach in the KT.
1:14pmBBT: Rachel mentioned earlier that things were missing from the LR, like a candlestick. She thinks it is for the HOH comp and she has been counting things. She told Ragan and now he told Matt.
1:30pmBBT: HG are hanging out, some in the Jumanji and some in the cabana. Talking about Bill Clinton. Rach.Bren,Ragan in Jumanji. Brit and Hay in the cabana.
1:40pmBBT: Rach talking to Bren about how the HOH spy screen was on the LR. Hay comes in to pick out clothes. Kathy walks in shortly after. Lane and Brit in the cabana with Matt talking about going to Vegas after BB.
1:57pmBBT: Enzo joins the cabana, still talking about going to Vegas, Enzo is bringing his wife and daughter. Now talking about visiting Lane in TX.
2:10pmBBT: Cabana talk about Andrew's speech, some are nervous, some are going to laugh and not take it seriously.
3:40pmBBT: Feeds Back. HG getting ready and laying around. Enzo and Lane in the KT talking about Bren or Rach leaving.
4:35pmBBT: Trivia till after live show.
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