2PMBBT: Rach and Bren are in the cabana talking about Andrew, they almost argue about Rach trusting Bren's game play. Enzo talking game to Brit in the BY, mostly Andrew. They think Annie sucked as the saboteur.
3PMBBT: Andrew in the Have Not room crying, Bren comes in to cheer him up. Bren tells him not to give up, Andrew thinks he is done in the game. Bren tells him that he has his back. Andrew is still very chocked up about leaving. Bren tells him not blow up the house until you leave, if you do. Kathy tells Lane about what happened with her and Andrew. Talk of making steaks and burgers, Hay calls them sloppy Ho's
4PMBBT: Kathy and Kris in the Jumanji room. Kathy blames Rach for her being up on the block. Enzo is telling everyone in the house about his poopy problem. Enzo can 't seem to go. Kris/Lane/Hayden asleep in the cabana room. Andrew is still in the Have Not room. Andrew goes up to the HOH and wakes up Matt by opening the door. Andrew tells Matt that he is upset and wants to talk to everyone.Matt says talk to everyone and tell them your point of view. Brendon and Rach talk in the Taj about what happened today/
5pmBBT:Kathy, Britney, Ragan, Matt and Andrew sitting in the BY on the couches talking about Matt's blog, he could only mention his family. Rach joins the BY crew. Rach tells them she let Bren cut her hair, they tell her it looks good. They talk about the warning BB gives them. lane in the hammock. Matt playing golf. Ragan in the cabana with Brit and Hay. Kris is cabana.
5:45pmBBT: House meeting, Andrew called it. He is sorry for the way he acted this morning. Andrew says he felt secluded and alone on the block. Andrew says he did not mean to come off as agressive at the POV meeting. Andrew is getting teary eyed. Andrew going to pray now.
6:15pmBBT: Lane comes into the Have Not room and tells Andrew that he does not want him to feel alone. Lane says he jokes to overcome his shyness. Lane says he has learned a lot from him. Andrew says he is an outsider, Lane is an insider. Lane says you can't be yourself in this house. Ragan and Kris talking in the cabana room. Andrew thanks Lane for acknowledging him when he sees him.
6:26pmBBT: Bren comes in the Have Not room and tells Andrew to not give up, tells him to work for votes by talking. Matt comes into tell Andrew that the speech was good and thank you.
6:55pmBBT: Rach,Brit and Bren in the KT talking about which date was the best, Kathy at the table also. Bren in BY.
7:34PMBBT: Brit is playing pool with Matt and Bren. Talking about movies. Rach and Hay are in the Taj. Hay tells Rach that he was going to keep Andrew but not sure now. Tells Rach that people are targeting them.
7:45pmBBT: Hay tells Rach that her and Bren are amazing at the comps.,tells Rach to keep her head up. Rach says Bren is voting for Andrew tto stay and I will probably vote for who he wants, but she doesn't know yet. Rach tries to convince Hay to vote for Andrew, I don't think it worked.
8:20pmBBT: Enzo and Hay on the lounger outside. Hay said he would take any job after college that is sports related. Hay would like to work for UFC promoting fighters. They make fun of Rach and how many times she says like. Rach is talking about going to the playboy mansion and her frineds have been in playboy. Rach is on the elliptical. Bren,Kathy,Enzo,Kris,Ragan are on the couches outside. Brit and Lane are playing pool with Lane.
8:40pmBBT: Kathy and Matt in the HOH. She is asking him about votes and he says he thinks she will stay tomorrow.
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