9:30AMBBT: Wake up time. FOTH
10amBBT: HG are outsie talking about Beauty and the geek and the sab. Have not seen Ragan yet. Brit is now outside. Lane went back to bed. Ragan is still in bed.
10:03amBT: Brit and Rach talking to Enzo and Hay on the BY couches. Brenchel tells them to watch out for Kathy. Brit in the WC with Kathy calling Bren dumb. She is starting early today with her role as head gossip and bitch.
10:06pmBBT: Rach is in the WC. She tells Kathy that she wears make up to cover her zits and is embarrased by it. Kathy tells her to not wear makeup to bed. Lane is in the BY lifting weights. Bren is chatting with him.
10:09amBBT: Brit in the WC telling Kathy that Rach was stripping alone on the dining room table late last night. BB told her several times to get off the table. Brti says how gross she is. Enzo is up and stretching.
10:15amBBT: Rach on the elliptical. Kathy and Brit in the WC getting ready. Lane and Ezno still working out. Bren is on the couch.
10:20amBBT: Rach and Bren are having the convo where he tells Rach he will piss the house off so they vote him out. This is the at least the 4th time this convo. has taken place. Bren thinks Rach has a better shot at getting to the end. Bren says he wants blood, Rach agrees. They think Matt needs to go.
10:35amBBT: Ragan is laying in bed with Mattt discussing Rach and Bren. They are wondering what they will do today.
10:50amBBT: Ragan says he has a line planned to tell Julie when asks who he is evicting. He will Say WHAT HAPPENED IN VEGAS, SHOULD OF STAYED IN VEGAS. Ragan and Matt going over dates.
11:03amBBT: Matt and Lane outside in lounge chairs. Kathy on BY couches in Ragan.
11:10amBBT: BB calls an Outdoor LD. Noms. maybe. Lane and Matt talking about how they would spend the money if they won. Matt wants to help his parents. Lane wants to invest in oil.
11:20amBBT: HG are outside and siting in silence.
11:30amBBT: FOTH Noms.
11:50amBBT: Feeds Back. Lane/Matt/Hay/Ragan/Enzo in BY. Ragan says he is so grossed out. Rach and Brit in the cabana. Kathy is on the couch doing laundry.
11:55amBBT: Rach and Brit are talking abouth the Nom ceremony. Bren must of insulted Brit. Rach apologizes for his behavior. Rach does not know who this person is. Ragan and Matt in the HOH. Brit says Bren does not like women and hates me. Brit says that he is a gossip.
12pmBBT: Rach hugs Brit and they leave the cabana. Ragan and Matt in HOH talking about the POV ceremony. Rach outside now. Enzo/Hay playing pool. Kathy still doing laundry. Bren goes inside. Sounds like Bren called Brit selfish and spoiled.
12:11pmBBT: Brit/Ragan and Matt in the HOH saying it was planned by Brenchel. That Rach was phony and not really upset. Rach and Bren in the Taj laughing. Hay walks in.
12:28PMBBT: Matt/Enzo/Hay and Lane outside they still plan to get Rach out this weeek. Bren and Rach hope the plan worked. Rach thanks him. Enzo says that they should let Bren win HOH and take out Ragan or Brit. Rach talks about her HOH basket if she stays and wins next week.
12:32PMBBT: Ragan/Brit/Lane/Hay and Enzo outside saying what a bad actress is. Some dissing of Rach and Bren, they call them disgusting,gross,classless the normal crap.
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