9pmBBT: Kris and Hay still forming the plan of what to say to Brenchel.Kris does not want to bad mouth Kathy. Rach and Bren in the HOH with Ragan and Matt talking about who the next ALL-STARS BB cast would be. Hay says he have to back stab them and that is two lost jury votes. Hay is still going to try to win HOH. Hay tells Kris to swallow her pride and apologize to Rach for what was said. Kathy comes in and Kris stays. Bren and Brit in cabana talking about what to say. Lane comes in and says BOOZE has arrived.
9:17pmBBT: Bren/Rach/Matt/Ragan in the HOH talking about live feeders and how many there are.
9:22pmBBT: Enzo asleep on the couches outside. Brit is telling Lane what she wants to do. Brit says she can't stand Rachel but does what she has to. Lane says Kris will have to lie and some major butt sucking.
9:26pmBBT: Lane says Kathy is good to keep around as a pawn and for double eliminations.
9:30pmBBT: Brit said Matt is sneaky and people are catching on. Brit would want him out in double eliminations. Brit tells Lane she is alone in this game. Brit thinks Enzo will win in a final 2. Brit tells Lane that everyone is paired up but her. Brit is going over the pros and cons of keeping Kris or Kathy. Lane says look at the worst case scenario,will Kris throw you under the bus to save her game. Kathy comes in and stops the convo.
9:38pmBBT: HOH talking about BB asking HG to dye their hair for the show. Lane and Hay playing pool in the BY talking about the plan to keep Kris. Brit in HOH now.
9:55pmBBT: HOH talk about Jerry's BB10 voice. Rach said Kathy came up to the HOH last night to say goodbye and I love you guys. Brit says Kathy has not talked to her in days and now she wants to talk to her. Brit says she is telling Kris she wants the veto used and telling Brit no. Kathy told Brit she did not want to be thrown under the bus.
10pmBBT: HOH laughing about forgetting to grab a rootbeer today for Kathy. They talk about how Kathy always gets Bren to make sweet tea. Enzo is up on the BY couches talking to Enzo and Lane. They are asking him about New Jersey.
10:06pmBBT: Lane is telling Hay and Matt what Brit said about being alone. They talk about the alliance being a secret.
10:16pmBBT: Enzo/Lane/Hay talk about the coming weeks and who to put up if they win. Talk of not letting Bren win. Bren chats with the BY and comes inside.
10:22pmBBT: Lane and Hay on the BY couches. Ragan and Brit in HOH. Rach downstairs. Kris in the KT. Rach in the BY working out. The Brigade is outside on the couches. Kris is now outside. Talking about Kathy.
10:32pmBBT: HG in the BY playing pool. Brit/Ragan still in the HT. Bren/Kris/Lane on BY couches talking about the X-Files,Sliders,Cold Case.
10:45pmBBT: Hay is in the WC with Kathy, he tells her Brit is not going to us the POV. Hay is not looking at her, Kathy must know(she is a cop) that something is up. Hay and Kathy talk about how deserves to win the money. Hay says some of the HG will squander it. Kathy is talking about her morals and how she does not want to be associated with it. Hay said he has done things in BB he would not do at home. Kathy said some will by boob jobs and botox(Rachel). Hay said some will buy cars. Hay said he blew out his knee and blew his pro baseball career. Kathy said Brenchel is working off fear now.
10:54pmBBT: Ragan in the KT getting wine for Kris. Kathy is telling Hay about Rach telling her not to use the POV on Kris and if she did it would a personal insult. Rach in the WC now she is done working out.
11pmBBT: Bren poured Rach a glass of wine. She is going to lift weights then go have a drink. She asked Bren when the meeting with Kris/Hay going down. Bren tells her whenever, she says ok and walks outside. Lane is playing pool with Enzo.
11:20pmBBT: Bren and Rach at the weight bench talking about Hay and Kris. Bren tells Rach what Hay said in the Taj. Rach says Hay only won HOH because it was a team comp. Ragan puts on Rach's unitard and goes into the BY and shows all the HG. He was in the DR with Kris in her unitard. Rach tells Bren that she has no power now what can she do. Bren say she wants to hear what Hay has to say. Ragan comes over to the weight bench and the talk stops. Rach ad Ragan now talk about the comps and dates of things. Bren is playing pool Brit is in the HT with Matt and Lane. Hay is playing pool with Bren.
11:33pmBBT: Kathy and Kris in the cabana. Kathy is telling Kris to do what you and Hayden have to do. Kathy says she will not sell her soul to Brenchel. Kathy thinks she will go home if she goes up.
11:38pmBBT: Kris says Rach wants her out so bad. Kathy calls Rachel's HOH the DEVIL'S DEN and will not sell herself to EVIL. (LOL, Kathy and her morals, guess she found them week 4. She had no problem with bending her morals when she threw Brit and Monet under the bus to Rach.) Kathy said she can't even be around them, they give her the chills.
11:44pmBBT: Kathy is giving Kris a massive guilt trip, she knows that Kris/Hay are going to talk to Brenchel and is trying to make her feel bad. Kris is telling her the plan.(Kris, dumb move, what if Kathy goes to Brenchel and tells them to save herself) Bren and Rach in the HOH. Rach says even if Britney uses the POV one of them is going home it is out of my control.
11:50pmBBT: Rach and Bren now talking comps that could be coming up. Kris and Hay are going to the HOH soon. Rach is dying her hair. Kathy to DR.
11:53pmBBT: Rach is telling Bren he must win HOH this week. He says he will try his hardest.
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