10pmBBT: Rach tells Bren she wishes Ragan did not pick Kris. Brit comes by to see how they are. She leaves the Taj and goes to the cabana. Enzo and Lane at the KT table drinking coffee, Bren joins them. They talk about the comp. Enzo likes POV comps better. Cabana room talking about tornadoes.
10:45pmBBT: Brendon is cleaing up the Taj. Bren then makes Kathy Have Not bed. Brit/Matt/Ragan and Hay in the cabana. Bren is cleaning the KT now.
11:10pmBBT: Bren is still cleaning. No Booze. Cabana chit chatting. (Very boring considering it is an HOH night)
11:20pmBBT: Matt/Hay and Lane doing situps in the LR. Brit and Ragan talking about what comps are going to come up. Kathy joins them.
11:30pmBBT: Kathy/Brit and Rach in the cabana talking about Rach and Bren. Brit tells Rach not to move, she will regret it. Rach says Bren has 5 years left, and I can't live on campus with him. Sounds like Rach is trying to distance herself from Bren. Brit says it is really hard when you have nobody except Bren's family and friends. Bren comes into the cabana and tells Rach that he is not somebody who has a lot of money and her lifestyle is not his and he is worried she will expect this from him. Rach tells Bren he is all she wants. Bren tells Rach he is in love with her.
12amBBT: BB gave the HG BOOZE, they are in the KT having drinks. Matt's HOH room reveal is around 12:50am, HG get excited about his HOH basket and White Castle burgers.
1-5amBBT: Enzo and Lane tease Kathy about jumping off first. The HOH is talking about kissing girls. Rach gets mad at Brit for not admitting she kissed a girl, sound stupid to me. Brit and Rach hug it out. Enzo is tipsy.The house seems to want Rach out before Bren. Smack talk about Bren and Rach..
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