Tuesday, July 13, 2010

LIVE FEEDS UPDATE 7-13-10 Tuesday 2PM-12AM BBT

2-4pmBBT: Lane is messing with Monet, saying you can sleep with me, she did not like the Taj room or bed. So Lane is going over all the positions that he gets into when he sleeps, he is being a little pervy, the usual Lane. All feeds are still in the Jumanji room. Annie comes in and asks how to make a shake. Britney knocking on Lane's shows, says they have poop stains on them.
Annie,Monet,Brit,Lane talking about Enzo wanting a story last night so Lane asked Kathy to tell one. She talked about her son and being arrested when she was a cop. Annie talking about Natalie BB11 making it to final 2 because of Jessie protecting her. Annie is calling Rachel the new Nat, and says Brendon is smart and strong. Monet said Brendon getting the last 2 letters was pure luck. The HG hear crickets in the Jumanji room. Britney asks if Annie would do certain things to be in the final six. Sex with Jesse/Lydia/Da Yum Yum, some sick stuff. Brit asks Ragan and Lane similar questions except they are final 2. I now know what SUPERMAN A HOE means thanks to Britney. Ronnie in a princess Leia. Ragan wants the HG to go HEY HEY to Julie on the live show when she asks how they are doing. Britneys back to her WOULD YOU .. TO GET FINAL 2 questions. They all involve something sexual,costumes,body parts. Now Lane is in on the questions. Kathy and Matt have joined the depravity. Many of the questions involve Ronnie. Rachel and Hayden have joined the Jumanji room. Enzo is sleeping, Andrew is not in the room. Rachel is asking questions now.
Now they are talking about collecting farts and breathing them for hours to be in the final 3.Drinking your own pee for F3. It is getting more depraved. A good 20 mins. of this garbage. Looks like the Final 2 questions are going into 3pm. HG are firing questions at Britney about F2 that include NICK. Someone asks Brendon if he would get breast implants for 2 yrs. to be in final 2.
Annie talking to Kathy at the pool. Hayden is on the BY couches. Matt,Ragan,Britney and other HG in the Jumanji room. Kathy knocking Rachel and saying nobody wants to align with Brendon. Annie saying she has nobody. Annie said the choice is obvious, wonders if it is her personality.
Annie is talking about her girlfriend, she does not want to hurt her. Annie saying it was not weird when she was attracted to a women. Annie says someone yells that gay people are going to hell on a corner where she lives, one of those corner bible beaters. Annie saying she can never be herself in this house and Jen deserves more respect. Jen was Annie's first girlfriend, she meet her and felt something for her. Annie saying she had bad relationships, guys that cheated, she found a naked girl in one guys closet. FOTH. Kathy is trying to give Annie advice on family acceptance and the BB house. Andrew is on the move and so if Brendon. Annie is saying how Jen is in between her and her family and she feels that is unfair to Jen.FOTH.
Enzo up getting food with Andrew,Annie and Lane. Kathy in the pool. Monet sleeping. Annie outside with Kath,Andrew and Enzo talking about how hot it is and the BB house, sleep all the time,eat.
Kathy asks Enzo if they can eat earlier then 10pm. The HG are having chicken parm tonight.

4-5pmBBT: Lane has joined the HG by the pool. HG talk about making sour cream cake, farts and the names of each fart. Lane and Annie move off to the side and talk how to get her to stay. Lane says take Kristen and Ragan when you go, that is all I heard. Annie going to get a drink, but is sitting on the couches with Hayden. Enzo talking about how bad soda is for your body. Hayden up and talking to Ragan andAnnie on the couches. They are talking about how people spend money to send banners and throw notes tied to things into the BB backyard. Annie asks Hayden if I throw the next HOH and get Brendon out would you keep me more. Annie wants to talk to Hayden with a few people to see why they do not trust her. Hayden is just listening and so if Ragan. Annie said she will do what she has to do to stay, and your vote sways others. Annie is super motivated. Kristen outside now. Hayden said we will talk in the HOH later. Hayden did tell Annie that people are intimidated by her.  Ragan and Annie are talking about hooking up in Tampa Bay and Vegas. Monet in the KT. Ragan is trying to setup BB reunions, he wants to go to a small town so they can be famous. Ragan is talking to the live feeders, he says hello. Annie is going to the DR to ask for gatorade.
Monet is up and made a salad with yougurt,olive oil and basil,rosemary. Brintney is up now, she said she is tired today. BB gave them a pool toy and a ball and paddles. Monet took the paddle from Lane.

5-6pmBBT: Lane and Monet are playing ball. Some HG are lounging on the couches. HG inside cooking chicken parm. Rachel comes outside. Britney is talking about the chicken parm, she is hungry.

Enzo,Brendon,Lane in the KT. Enzo is cooking.
HG outside waiting for dinner, talking about making snacks like puppy chow,seasoned chex mix. Brendon comes outside. The girls want to make rice krispie treats but have no marshmallows, they  want to learn how to make marshmallows. Ragan in the Juamanji room, he is just sitting there. Kristen is outside with Rachel,Monet,Annie,Kathy,Britney. The talk is all about food. Ragan is now alone in the Garbage room DEEP in thought. All feeds are on him, Matt comes in to get laundry and asks Ragan if he needs anything done. All feeds on Ragan.

Ragan writes something on a shaving cream with nail polish. Hay,Lane,Annie,Monet,Ragan, and Brendon in the Cabana room. Annie and Lane are making fun of how each other talks. Talk about fish. The HG named the fish, freddy krueger,dinner.

6-7pmBBT: Enzo is making dinner still. Cabana room broke up.Kris,Monet,Lane,Annie outside saying nothing. Enzo comes outside, then goes back inside. Rachel,Matt,Brendon in the KT snacking and chatting. Ragan still in garbage room, he is changing clothes. HG come together to eat. They all rave about the chicken parm and thank Enzo. Some cleanup, other go outside, some are still at the table. I think Annie may go bonkers tonight if pushed the right way.
Feeds in KT, but HG are in the BY playing games. Kathy goes into the WC and cleans up in their also.
Britney and Monet are doing running commentary on all the HG flaws, futures,the normal catty stuff.

7-9pmBBT: Kathy cleaning up from dinner, Andrew was helping then went outside. Andrew was bitching to Kathy about all the towels used, cups washed and other house related complaints. Feeds in KT. Back to the mean girls. I am not sure if Monet is a REAL mean girl, she is only catty like this around Britney. Brit tells Monet that Annie should sleep with Lane, Monet says she is in love with him. Kathy outside now. All feeds on Britney/Monet. Monet gets up to change so she can workout,Brit is joining her.Enzo in the KT. Britney/Lane are playing Rachel/Brendon at pool. Hayden comes down from HOH to the BY. Kristen on the couches with Kathy/Andrew/Annie/Matt. Annie is looking sour.
Monet,Hayden,Enzo chat about Hulk Hogan,being bored,eating, having no energy. Enzo says he is starting to CRACK.
Brendon showing Rachel how to play pool. Annie shooting daggers at them. Hayden is drifting off to sleep. Monet got dressed to workout but is not. Brit is playing pool, not working out. The HG are just laying around, not saying much or doing much, other than the pool players. Annie leaves and conversation starts up. Ragan and Matt talk about music. Brendon walks by Annie in the KT and says nothing. Brendon seems tense in the Taj room, as he changes.
The HG are putting together a pool tournament amongst themselves. Hayden/Monet/Ragan and Enzo are now playing. Annie is in the KT still. Rachel ignored  but gave her a sideways glance.Annie as she walked by to change. Annie made a face after Rachel walked by.

Rachel went back inside to do Kathy's hair. Kathy feels bad but thinks she needs to leave, she has issues, she being Annie.Kathy asks what happened with her and Annie yesterday. Annie tells her side to Kathy.Britney walks in and asks if Annie feels awkward. Kathy wants her to stay sane.
The pool tournament continues. Hayden in a lounger, so is Monet. Matt/Briney/Lane/Andrew playing pool. Kathy,Ragan,Rachel in the WC couch talking about how pathetic they would of been in the HOH comp, if they did not eat. Annie is muttering something about she hopes Jen remembers to do something. Mat now talking to Annie and Kris. Matt says that if Lane asks for it the DR will give it to us. This is the second time today that I have heard that the DR will give Lane anything. They want cheesecake.
BB Give HG BOOZE, and more than the norm.
8:40pmBBT: Annie goes to change, Annie asks Andrew if he heard anything. They are in the Juamanji room. Annie asks Andrew if he is with Bren/Hay. Andrew asks Annie if Hayden and Brendon have an alliance. Annie says her back is against the wall. Andrew tells Annie people are more afraid of you than Rachel. Annie says she is not talking to anyone. Andrew says he can't talk to Lane. Andrew asks if Annie pissed of Hayden? Annie says no, lies were made up by others. Annie getting that whiney tone. Annie said Brendon back stabbed her to hell. Annie says Brendon is the saboteur. Andrew goes to the Taj room and does a little dance. Annie is working Andrew hard.
Lane is throwing a beach ball around with Britney. HG playing pool. Some on the BY couches. Andrew just came outside.

BY asks where Annie is. HG talking about favorite alcoholic libations.

9pm-11pmBBT: HG still playing the pool tournament. Booze and small talk on the BY couches. Annie,Rach,Kris,Kathy are on the couchs. Tensions is in the air. Kris,Annie and Rachel are talking house bands. Brendon on the couches. Annie gets up and leaves. Annie bitched to Enzo for a bit, he said nothing. Now Lane/Brit/Enzo/Monet playing in the tournament. HG on couches talking about wine tastings.
Rachel is talking to Brendon. Ragan and Hayden. Kris and Matt Kathy and Ragan. 3-4 little convos. Brendon and Matt are talking rap and other music. Annie joins the group at the couches. Ragan and Kathy are getting ice cream. Annie is smoking with Kathy. Annie is saying she can't get anyone to fight for her, she can never get a break.
Annie talks about how she will not have a job when she leaves this house. She told her boss she was having surgery when she needed days off for the pe BB stuff. Annie telling Lane she has bad luck, her computer broke, needed to buy a new one. Some chick his her car in the Best Buy lot and had to pay a $500 deductible. Britney,Monet,Kathy in the KT talking about Annie, Brit wants Kathy to pump her for info on Brendon. Brit thinks she is the saboteur or knows Rach or Brendon. Some catty comments.
Britney comes to sit with Lane and Annie and Lane leaves. Annie asks Brit to go sit in the hammock and she tells Annie she wants to watch the pool tournament, since she is in the final. Brit talking about why the sabotuer ddid not come today. He did look at the picture below.
From Jokers tsk0928
Monet joins Annie and Britney,Ragan sits down. They talks about the live show Thurs. and BB shuts them down. Not much being said now. Annie is saying she can't wait till her speech. She is going to spill everything on live TV. Brit,Monet pumping them for info. Annie is in the hammock with Monet to try to sway her.
11pm-12amBBT: Monet telling Annie that she has no doubt that Rachel did that to Annie. Monet say what she was at the POV pull. Monet wondering what Hayden and Kristen's game is. Monet said Brendon is a sore loser. Britney is asking Ragan datng questions. Andrew was talking to Matt in the KT. Matt said he thinks that Rachlel and Brendon are fake. Andrew said he saw them kissing. The guys found a spider web and it is catching moths with Enzo's help. Kristen is talking to Rachel about her and Brendon. Rachel says that Brendon blows her mind, she did not expect this to happen. Matt making pizza.
Brendon,Matt,Enzo talking about Annie going out ugly. Brendon saying that he is caught between two girls. Matt calls Annie a women scorned. Enzo say she is going crazy. Andrew walks in to get a drink. Matt waiting for his pizza. Monet and Annie still talking, Monet is still digging for dirt. They mention season 11 again. Annie is bitching about Brendon. Annie is repeating herself. Annie now in the KT working Matt.
Ragan going to bed. Matt,Monet,Rachel,Enzo eating Pizza. All HG except Matt talk about working out tomorrow. Britney says there is excessive sauce on the pizza or she would have some.Enzo going into the HT. Andrew changing to go in the HT. Monet and Britney inthe HOH talking about what Annie said to Monet. Tells Brit that Annie told her that Brendon performs surgery and is in the medical field,


BB12 Live Feed Updates:

July 8th 2010:

8:59BBT: Feeds are live, a lot of laughing in the BY. Whispering with the girls Rachael,Annie and Kathy. Monet in HT With Ragan,Lane, Britney and a few others.

9:05pmBBT: Most of the HG are in the BY, either on the couches or in the HT. Enzo on the couch. Rachel in the HT now. HG have booze, so things could get interesting. FOTH, one of the HG did a shout out.

9:10pm-9:30pmBBT: Annie is whispering about Enzo to Kathy. Said he had a baby penis and is a POS. Andrew pulled up Annie's blanket and she is pissed and feels violated. Monet is on the couch listening to them and agrees. Annie and Kathy love Ragan. Ragan is a have not.

9:30-10:30pmBBT: Enzo,Lane and Matt want Andrew out. Enzo talks to Andrew listens to what he has to say about everyone walking away when he comes in the room. Everyone loves everyone. Enzo bathmouting Andrew to Annie. Enzo, Lane Matt and Britney talk about Rachel. They agree she will take Brendon off the block if she wins. Britney,Lane,Enzo and Matt seem to be in some sort of alliance. Andrew has been named CAPTAIN OBVIOUS because they all think he is the saboteur. Brendon seems to get on a few peoples nerves. Monet and Kathy agree that Annie will say whatever you want to hear. Monet and Kathy saying they can't stand Annie. Annie is all over Hayden per Monet.

10:30-11pmBBT: Andrew and Kathy talking on the couches about Annie. HT crew talking about Justin Beiber. Andrew said Annie is making him look bad, trying to convince Kathy to go with him. Britney and Monet say they have Lane wraped up. Enzo tells Lane he does not trust Andrew, thinks he would throw them under the bus in a minute. Again we will have to hear thrown under the bus all season. Ezno thinks BB is the saboteur and none of them are a saboteur. The saboteur put X's on HG photos. Andrew says her wants to eliminate all the women except Kathy and Kristen.

11pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Lane playing pool. Enzo mad that Andrew is telling everyone in the house that he is in a gang. Matt said he used to beat off to Showtime and now he is on it. Enzo saying the house is going to get crazy fast. He seems to say what is on is mind. Enzo that people need to be picked off now, he can't wait till the POV. Enzo saying that Kathy and Monet are together. Says Monet was crying about how Rachel reacted when she picked her for POV. Calling the Green Leaf Wallpaper room the Jumanji Room. Britney and Monet in KT. Monet goes outside. Britney eating. Lane in the KT getting something to drink. He tells Britney he lost at pool. Andrew and Kathy on the couch. Andrew asking Monet if she cooked on a sheet to make sure it is kosher still. Matt and Lane covered the pool table and are inside now.

11:10pmBBT: Kristen a HAVE NOT. going to ask BB for a blender. Enzo in HOH with Matt and Hayden. Short FOTH. Andrew to DR. Enzo seem to be a real force in the house right now.

11:20pmBBT: Listening to HOH convo. with THE BOYS. Hightlights Kristen is a wild card, threatened by Brendon and Rachel. Like Annie more than Rachel. Andrew is the saboteur. Want Annie out quick by week 3, BD or jut put up. Matt says if Brendon stays fool him into thinking he is safe and family. Matt does not think he or Enzo should be HOH next. Enzo talking about the gang comment Andrew made.

11:30pmBBT: Rachel in HOH. Hayden went downstairs. Ragan in KT. Britney in KT. Kristen also, waiting for pizza. Brendon,Andrew and Rachel seem to be the odd HG out.
11:35pmBBT: Andrew bitching about not having any Kosher Ice Cream. Hayden says he can have some of his Ben and Jerrys. Brendon in the KT. Ragan smelling the food. Andrew talking about kosher food. Britney in BY with Kathy and Monet and Lane. Monet to DR. A lot of HG complaining about the late DR's. Brit,Lane,Kathy trying to figure out the schedule. The HG are saying they have been in the house for 5 days. Talk of Brendon taking himself off the block if he wins. Lane doubts he can win. Kathy saying he will fight hard. Switched to HOH with Enzo,Matt and Rachel. Four or Five HG are yawning. Brendon in the HOH also. More talk of Kristen being a dark horse in the HOH. Annie in the BY seems to be freaking out.

11:45pmBBT: Annie saying Andrew was bitching about making cookies and pizza on a sheet and now it is ruined. Kathy complaining obout how he comes on to her and gets in her space. Lane is just listening. Annie runs inside. Britney just listening. Calling him creepy.

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