7-7:30amBBT: Andrew up and doing his prayers, he eats corn flakes and goes back to bed.
8:10amBBT: Brendon showering and ready for the day.
8:45amBBT: FOTH.
9:02amBBT: HG up doing ADL's.
9:30amBBT: Enzo,Kathy,Lane,Brit talking in the Jumanji room. Kathy getting Enzo out of bed.
Annie putting on makeup.Brendon cooking. Andrew in the KT, going outside. Britney knocks a shelf off the fridg. she is clumsy today.
9:51amBBT: HG still wandering around, getting up and ready to start the day. Kathy in the BY smoking. Brendon is exercising. Annie is getting changed in the Jumanji room and tehn goes outside. Andrew comes inside and tells Annie she looks nice today.
10am-12pmBBT: Lane and Matt doing weights, Matt agaain says that Rach/Brendon are faking the showmance. Annie was crying but BB FOTH'd us alot. Annie was talking about her parents owning a pizza restaurant. Brendon in the KT talking about Annie with Andrew and Lane. Brendon tells Lane he is tired of being made to feel guiltiy. Lane says that Annie should go out with dignity and keep playing the game. Matt is in the KT listening. Brendon keeps talking about Annie and Rachel. Annie comes in and the room is silent. Monet is eating in the KT. Lane and Hayden go to the HOH the talk about how Rachel will go if Monet wins HOH. Kristen will put up Britney and Monet, the boys seem satisfied with themselves. They both think Britney is a $hit stirrer and that Brendon is fake. Matt,Ragan and Brendon in the LR talking about Natalie and making fun of her.
12pm-1pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Annie,Lane,Britney, Brendon are in the BY talking movies and actors in the BY. Talk turns to burying pets. More talk of movies.
Rachel and Kristen are in the bathroom getting ready.
Annie and Brendon are in the Taj room taking about not getting into to Annie. Rachel says Annie told her in the WC that Rachel is really good at her act. Rachel ignored her. Brendon tells her to let it go. Rachel says it sucks that she is going after me, I did not ask to be on the block. Kristen is listening to them. Rachel is warning Brendon that the rest of the house wants them broken up. Rachel and Brendon want to put up either Britney or Monet.
FOTH on and off and the feeds are screwing up, a feed changes to last night instead of LIVE, as they advertised, RP sucks. All feeds on Rachel/Brendon they are worried about being BD if they do not win HOH this week. Rachel saying she will not eat junk food to prepare for the POV. Brendon and Rachel leave the Taj room and head into theKT. Lane and Annie at the KT table. Annie is being snarky about Rachel when she walks in.
Monet is making a drink of green tea and milk, Lane cross examines her about why she drinks that. Annie and Monet talking about tea. Real exciting stuff. Lane is still at the table. Andrew is doing dishes, he made a comment that he will have to because they won't get done otherwise. Monet offers to do them, Andrew declines.
1-2pmBBT: All feeds are on the KT. Lane/Annie talking about playing the bean bag game later. Annie still looks pissed. Hayden gets a drink for the KT and goes outside. Lane gets up from the table and walks around. Lane laying down in the Jumanji room. Ragan,Annie,Kristen in the pool. Monet on the couches in the BY. Most HG are outside and just chatting. Crew on the couches are talking about comps.
Lane and Britney are in the Juamnji room. Lane asks Britney where here head is about the vote. She wants to keep Rachel,less of a threat. Britney is asking Lane if he told Annie the conversation from the HOH and warned her about her relationship with Brendon. Lane asks why she is so worried about finding out who told Annie. Britney says I got called out at the POV, now people may think I am a liar. Lane plays dumb or is dumb about the HOH convo. Britney asks Lane if Annie told him about her family issues. Lane says he knew awhile ago, she told him when he asked her why she was weird about them. All feeds in the Jumanji room on Britney and Lane. Britney tells Lane that she trusts him and comes to talk to him for that reason. Andrew walks thru the room and Britney says that Andrew is in a BAD mood today. Lane says he can get Andrew,Brendon and Rachel's jury votes. Britney thinks she can get Andrew, he is hard to read. Britney says the saboteur is not changing the game. Andrew walks by and Britney says hello and he says nothing. Brit says again that he is a bed mood. Lane says you play retarded well, people hate her. Sometimes she is stupid and sometimes hardcore. Lane now doing his dirty flirting with Britney. Britney says I will refrain. Monet now in the room. Monet said she would never make out with Lane. Britney tells Monet to wear her Chastity Panties.
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