12pmBBT: Feeds back and forth. Hayden tells Rachel to do what is best for her. Hayden wants Andrew to win POV and HOH. Rachel wants Kristen to win POV. Rachel unsure about Andrew not putting her and Brendon up. Talk about Rachel being drunk and snorting, and how Hayden thinks her and Rachel are the real deal (the exact opposite of what he told Kristen last night). Rachel is gushing over Brendon. Hayden said he is built like a greek god. Rachel says he has a perfect chiseled jaw line. Rachel mentions Kristen and Hayden blushes, he says he is attracted to her. (how cute is he).
12:03pmBBT: Monet,Kathy,Lane,Brit in Jumanji room. Monet says if she does not get a key she is getting up from the table. Monet is afraid she will say something stupid and hurt her chances of staying. Enzo told everyone about the saboteur devices,Brit is pissed, they agreed to not tell the other side. Monet is crawling out of her skin, she knows she is going up and is pissed. Lane is trying to sleep, but the girls are talking.
12:10pmBBT: Kris putting on make up. HG still talking at the KT table, not listening to them, just general chit chat, I check every now and again. Ragan goes to the HOH to talk to Rachel. Ragan is using the HOH bathroom and talks to Rachel as he pees.
12:13pmBBT: Ragan talking about Rachel noms. Ragan mentions that week 3 will be an endurance comp. Ragan mentions that he was hurt by Annie last night and now is mad. Annie did not say bye to Kris,Rach,Ragan,Bren. Ragan said Matt,Hayden,Kris have not said anything shady to him. Rach tells Ragan that Monet,Brit said Andrew and Kristen should go up. Ragan thinks Monet/Brit would backdoor Brendon. Ragan does not think they are friends.
12:17pmBBT: FOTH again. Rachel telling Ragan that she does not know where Andrew is it. Ragan says keep in mind things change week to week. Ragan does not think Andrew is the saboteur. I think Monet could be a major bitch if she knows she is going home for sure. Maybe some fireworks after the POV, I don't think she would go off until there is no option for her. Rachel would like Enzo out also. FOTH at 12:20
12:30pmBBT: Brendon joins them and they go over the same stuff. Bren leaves. Ragan and Rach talk comps and how they would do. They are trying to figure out how the can win HOH with a group of people that are united. Ragan is really getting into details about how they can keep the HOH on their side. Ragan is looking at every scenario. Ragan said you must stay on during endurance till you almost die.
12:36pmBBT: Rachel is saying she is not a dirty player and can win for herself, she hopes the house sees it. Rachel is telling Ragan that she is unsure of some people. Rachel tells Ragan how much she likes him. Bren interrupts to ask Rachel is she wants something to eat. Matt is going into the HOH now.
12:40-12:50pmBBT: Matt is telling Rach and Bren about Brit being the saboteur. Tells them her bed is positioned great to screw with people, her performance in the POV and the first HOH. Matt thinks that Brit told Annie about her going up. Matt going over everything he has noticed about Brit that makes him think Brit the saboteur. Matt asks him not to tell Andrew about Brit. Brendon says Brit is a bitch. Ragan comes back into the room. Rachel is in the bathroom now.
12:51pmBBT: Matt said he is going to fight hard, Ragan talking about staying in the endurance comp. Ragan is telling Bren/Matt his endurance comp thinking. Hayden is done showering. Enzo trying to nap. Lane is sleeping.
12:55pmBBT: Bren wants graceful,nice people to be in the house. Brendon wants to remember this experience. SR locked. Kathy/Hay/Kris in the KT. Kathy is showing Hayden where in the fridge people hid food they do not want to share. Bren asks Matt what he thinks of Lane. Matt says he is funny. Bren thinks he is genuine, Matt does not know where his head is. Matt said he was close to Annie. Matt says he does not really have any close friends in the house. Bren is saying they do not have an alliance with Andrew. Ragan says he was just happy Brit did not win, that is why he was running around.
1:00pmBBT: Matt asks if Bren made a deal with Hayden to keep Rachel. Brendon said no, he just talked to Hayden, and he knew that he would come after him Rach left. Brendon not pissed at Hayden.
2:38pmBBT: Still TRIVIA, Have Not comp. going down
3:04pmBBT: Trivia
3:40pmBBT: Still Trivia
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