Friday, July 16, 2010


9:00amBBT: HG are up and walking around. All feeds are in the WC.
9:15amBBT: Hay/Kris laying in bed talking. I can hear the beeps from the devices. Kris is talking about Andrew's reactions and how funny they are.

9:25amBBT: Andrew visits Rach/Bren. He tells them what happened with Britney. Andrew tells them that people want Brit/Monet. Andrew says to worry about Enzo and Lane. Andrew says Lane has people to back him up. Rachel is wondering who is the bigger threat, Monet/Brit. Rach thinks Monet is more of a physical threat. Andrew is telling them that people are saying they are flaunting the couple thing in the house. Brendon said let them sweat all day, when they ask say I don't know, Rachel did not tell me.

Rach wants to put up Monet/Brit with Matt as the replacment nom. Brendon is going to make coffee. Brendon tells her to start meeting with people. Rachel says she does not care, he says you need to talk to everyone. Rachel goes downstairs to shower. Bren tells her to make Hayden the 2nd or 3rd person she talks to. Rach announces downstairs that she wants to talk to everyone today. Hay/Kris talking about who Rachel will put up with Lane in the Taj.

9:30amBBT: Matt is up first. Rach wants to know why Matt thinks she does not like him. Matt says Andrew. Matt asks if Andrew thinks he is with  Rach/Bren more than he is, called his reaction to Rach win the HOH was classless and he was a dick. Matt wants to tell Brendon and her in confidence, it may help her decision. Rach tells Matt she likes him.
9:35amBBT: Rachel is talking to Enzo. Rach says she genuinely likes Enzo. BB tells Enzo to put on his mic. it is downstairs. Rachel wants the floaters gone and the game player stay to duke it out. Enzo mentions Monet. Enzo will come back up later when his mic. is on. Rach is showering now.
9:40amBBT: Ragan in the toliet, Hayden is waiting, letting it air out. Kathy is talking to him on the WC couch. Hayden says he did not sleep well. Hayden is telling Kathy that he sorta misses Annie. Kathy said it will get harder and harder to have people leave. Kathy said she had issues and did not need to be in the BB house. The feeds are in the WC and nobody is talking now. Kathy is asking where Hayden slept, he says Britney's bed.
9:45amBBT: Enzo/Lane in Jumanji. Talk of the noms today and the Have Not comp. Enzo wants to get the have not comp over with. Lane thinks noms will come before the comp for have not. The HG are in an indoor LD, BB is banging away outside.

HG are at the KT table talking about the comp. today. 9 out of the 12 HG are at the table. Rachel in the HOH. Kathy in the WC and Hayden in the WC.
9:50amBBT: Ragan starts talking about a women killed at a Walmart in W. Hollywood. HG are talking about Black Friday(day after Thanksgiving) sales. Britney always goes with her mom and loves to go.
9:58amBBT: Ragan and Brendon are talking about concerts. Ragan saw Hole and loved it.  Talk about Lady GaGa and Katie Perrry. Enzo is back in the HOH. Tells Rach his word is not mud, he does what he says. Rachel saying she is loyal and would of taken Bren down over herself. Enzo talking about how Julie cut off Annie because she was talking about Jeff and Jordan and throwing people under the bus. Enzo said he will do whatever Rach wants.
10amBBT: Britney is coming up next. Rach is changing her batteries first. Brit is in the SR with Rach and is going upstairs. Rachel mentions she wants to talk to everyone but never mentions Monet. Brit/Rach in HOH. Brit says that she would of put up Andrew and Kristen. Brit does not think that Kristen is playing the game. Brit keeps saying Andrew's name, tells the story about him running laps, fist pumping and acting like he won. Brit says everyone was calling him a douche bag after he did that. Rachel said I have only had like 6 talks with Andrew, playing her and Andrew down.
10:06amBBT: Rachel is eating as she talks to Brit. Brit said is she does not go up, Bren/Rach will be safe. Brit talking about going after floaters, Britney agrees.
10:12amBBT: Brit pushing Andrew. Rachel is saying Andrew is not coming after me. Brit mentions the guy/girl ratio, and girls do not win against the men usually. Rachel says Brit is nice and likes her. Brit says she thinks Andrew is the saboteur. (less than 12 hours ago she told Andrew the opposite). Brit is really hammering Andrew, mentions he sat out the first HOH comp, mentions he listens to the beeps all the time. Rachel mentions that Andrew is not stupid and plays off his smarts.
10:15amBBT: Rachel mentions there is one person that she does not think she likes her. Brit asks if she could work with this person, Rachel says no, she could not trust her. (just say Monet, you both are dancing around her name). Brit said she does not want to go up. Rachel says you are not my target, do not worry. Rachel wants assurances that Brit will not go after her and Bren. Brit says if Andrew is here, I am getting rid of him. Rachel says the house is splitting and Brit is on the other side. Brit says the lines are not clearly drawn in the house.
10:20amBBT: Andrew,Enzo,Kris,Hayden in the Cabana room laughing it up, I am mostly watching the HOH. I was able to see all feeds at once on the quad cam, but REAL SUCKS and changed it, YOU SUCK REAL. Brit is giving the details of her apology to Andrew and Andrew's apology to her. FOTH.

10:25amBBT: Rachel discussing Annie and Brendon. Rach is telling Brit that Brendon did fight for her to stay. Brit saying she is not after Rachel. Rach/Brit done. Kathy is in the HOH and Rach tells her she is not going to be nominated. Rachel mentions Monet as being her target and Brit as the pawn.
10:30amBBT: Rach likes Brit but does not trust her. Kathy said do not trust Britney, she is mad and dangerous in the game. Kathy likes her but does not trust her. Rach does not like the smart ass comments all the time. Kathy mentions how Brit/Monet and others think they are to good to help out in the house. Kath saying Brit was asking what Rach said last night, Kathy said nothing. Brit was giving Kathy the evil eye.
10:32amBBT: Rach mentions that everyone is saying Andrews name. Kathy said she feels for Andrew, she understands the age difference and religion difference. Kathy does not think he is malicious. Rach saying Brendon is not a good judge of character. Rachel does not want to have Monet come up, she can't listen to it. Rach scared that if she puts up Brit, she will come after her if she stays. Rach says Brit,Monet,Lane,Enzo. and Bren/Rach not sure about the rest. Kathy is done in the HOH. Monet/Brit putting on makeup in the WC.
10:40amBBT: Kristin is in the HOH now. Kristin says get rid of Monet because of the face she made to you and the 10 grand she won. Kris also recommends Brit to go up. Kris says to get rid of the floater. Rach calls Brit a mental mind F'er.

10:42amBBT: Kristin said she would do what Rach wants if she wins POV. Rachel says she would like to align with Kris/Bren, but if they are on opposite sides she will still be in Rachel's corner. Kris glad to talk to Rach and Rach is glad to have Kristin. Rachel said they are mean girls.
10:47amBBT: More talk of POV wins and who and they want to stay. Kris told Andrew not to mess with Rach/Brendon, she is trying to protect Rach/Bren. Kristen told Rach that she and Brendon are huge targets, to watch out. They love Kathy and want to give her a chance.
10:52amBBT: Kris/Rach think Brit and Monet may be friends outside the house. Rach says Brit/Monet in Enzo's and Lane's ears all the time. Kris saying she told Lane that Brit does not like her and gives her dirty looks. Rach points out the Monet/Lane are playing chess outside the HOH. Rach thinks Lane goes with the other side of the house. (Kris is not saying that she trusts Rach but not Bren.).
11amBBT: Brendon joins the HOH talk with Kris. A bunch of the HG are outside the HOH door. Brit to DR. Rachel does not want to talk to Monet and be fake. All feeds on the HOH room.
11:01amBBT: Kristen leaves to gets Lane. Lane comes in Brendon leaves. Rachel says she is worried about her and Brendon next week. Lane wants the floaters gone, Rach only wants competitors in the final 7. Rach says we do not talk alot but I like you. Lane said he is not a big talker, cracks jokes and moves on. Lane talking about Annie and how she gave up, Lane saying that Bren/Rach did not.Rach mentions that Annie threw Bren under the bus and said he carried me. Lane says he knows Annie only talked to him because Brendon blew her off. Lane tells her he does not have to worry about him with her and Bren.
11:08amBBT: Monet is in the HOH. Rachel mentions that Monet is one of the names she was thinking of. Getting FOTH alot, hard to keep up with the conversation.
11:11amBBT: Feeds back, Monet and Rachel agree that floaters need to go. Rachel says season 12 is going to be different. Rach calls Kevin/Lydia/Michelle BB11 floaters. Rachel says she does not want to lie to Monet she may be going up.FOTH
11:21amBBT: Feeds back, all on the KT, no HOH feed. Monet,Andrew,Hayden,Kathy in the Cabana.
11:23amBBT: All feeds go to Taj room Enzo and Brendon are looking for saboteur noise devices. Brendon found it. They found one under Enzo's bed, Under Brendon's bed and one in between the Juamanji room and Garbage room.
11:26amBBT: HG are looking at the device and messing with it. They are in the KT. One is in the LR and will look for it. HG are now eating, Rach in HOH with Hayden.
11:32-11:50amBBT: Hayden asks who she is thinking about. Rachel mentions Monet/Brit. Rach says nobody is treating  her different. Hayden mentions Final 4 as Bren,Rach,Kris,Hay. Hayden seems sincere.They do not like how Brit is playing the game. Hayden does not want to make an alliance so early. Rach is worried about the house targeting Rach/Bren/Hay/Kris. Hayden says that Brit is in the drama all the time and repeats stuff. Trust and honesty is mentioned by both, they want to keep their integrity. Hayden says Brit is trouble and he is not throwing her under the bus. Hayden wants Brit out more than Monet. They both like Andrew. Rach is pushing the team, tell Hay she trusts him and Kris. Rachel says she sees Brit as the mean girl and she will turn on Britney.

11:51amBBT: Hayden says he respects the way Brendon and Rachel handled themselves on the block. Rach telling Hayden how nervous she was on the block. All feeds in the HOH. Hayden thinks Brit would put him up, he thinks Monet is better for comps and stronger than Brit. Hayden mentions the looks Brit give, Rachel said she does the same. Rach tells Hay she told Kristin what was said about her by Britney. Rach says she will not come after Hayden till final 4. FOTH. HG were at the KT table before FOTH. Just sitting around talking about BB,life outside BB.


BB12 Live Feed Updates:

July 8th 2010:

8:59BBT: Feeds are live, a lot of laughing in the BY. Whispering with the girls Rachael,Annie and Kathy. Monet in HT With Ragan,Lane, Britney and a few others.

9:05pmBBT: Most of the HG are in the BY, either on the couches or in the HT. Enzo on the couch. Rachel in the HT now. HG have booze, so things could get interesting. FOTH, one of the HG did a shout out.

9:10pm-9:30pmBBT: Annie is whispering about Enzo to Kathy. Said he had a baby penis and is a POS. Andrew pulled up Annie's blanket and she is pissed and feels violated. Monet is on the couch listening to them and agrees. Annie and Kathy love Ragan. Ragan is a have not.

9:30-10:30pmBBT: Enzo,Lane and Matt want Andrew out. Enzo talks to Andrew listens to what he has to say about everyone walking away when he comes in the room. Everyone loves everyone. Enzo bathmouting Andrew to Annie. Enzo, Lane Matt and Britney talk about Rachel. They agree she will take Brendon off the block if she wins. Britney,Lane,Enzo and Matt seem to be in some sort of alliance. Andrew has been named CAPTAIN OBVIOUS because they all think he is the saboteur. Brendon seems to get on a few peoples nerves. Monet and Kathy agree that Annie will say whatever you want to hear. Monet and Kathy saying they can't stand Annie. Annie is all over Hayden per Monet.

10:30-11pmBBT: Andrew and Kathy talking on the couches about Annie. HT crew talking about Justin Beiber. Andrew said Annie is making him look bad, trying to convince Kathy to go with him. Britney and Monet say they have Lane wraped up. Enzo tells Lane he does not trust Andrew, thinks he would throw them under the bus in a minute. Again we will have to hear thrown under the bus all season. Ezno thinks BB is the saboteur and none of them are a saboteur. The saboteur put X's on HG photos. Andrew says her wants to eliminate all the women except Kathy and Kristen.

11pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Lane playing pool. Enzo mad that Andrew is telling everyone in the house that he is in a gang. Matt said he used to beat off to Showtime and now he is on it. Enzo saying the house is going to get crazy fast. He seems to say what is on is mind. Enzo that people need to be picked off now, he can't wait till the POV. Enzo saying that Kathy and Monet are together. Says Monet was crying about how Rachel reacted when she picked her for POV. Calling the Green Leaf Wallpaper room the Jumanji Room. Britney and Monet in KT. Monet goes outside. Britney eating. Lane in the KT getting something to drink. He tells Britney he lost at pool. Andrew and Kathy on the couch. Andrew asking Monet if she cooked on a sheet to make sure it is kosher still. Matt and Lane covered the pool table and are inside now.

11:10pmBBT: Kristen a HAVE NOT. going to ask BB for a blender. Enzo in HOH with Matt and Hayden. Short FOTH. Andrew to DR. Enzo seem to be a real force in the house right now.

11:20pmBBT: Listening to HOH convo. with THE BOYS. Hightlights Kristen is a wild card, threatened by Brendon and Rachel. Like Annie more than Rachel. Andrew is the saboteur. Want Annie out quick by week 3, BD or jut put up. Matt says if Brendon stays fool him into thinking he is safe and family. Matt does not think he or Enzo should be HOH next. Enzo talking about the gang comment Andrew made.

11:30pmBBT: Rachel in HOH. Hayden went downstairs. Ragan in KT. Britney in KT. Kristen also, waiting for pizza. Brendon,Andrew and Rachel seem to be the odd HG out.
11:35pmBBT: Andrew bitching about not having any Kosher Ice Cream. Hayden says he can have some of his Ben and Jerrys. Brendon in the KT. Ragan smelling the food. Andrew talking about kosher food. Britney in BY with Kathy and Monet and Lane. Monet to DR. A lot of HG complaining about the late DR's. Brit,Lane,Kathy trying to figure out the schedule. The HG are saying they have been in the house for 5 days. Talk of Brendon taking himself off the block if he wins. Lane doubts he can win. Kathy saying he will fight hard. Switched to HOH with Enzo,Matt and Rachel. Four or Five HG are yawning. Brendon in the HOH also. More talk of Kristen being a dark horse in the HOH. Annie in the BY seems to be freaking out.

11:45pmBBT: Annie saying Andrew was bitching about making cookies and pizza on a sheet and now it is ruined. Kathy complaining obout how he comes on to her and gets in her space. Lane is just listening. Annie runs inside. Britney just listening. Calling him creepy.

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