Friday, July 16, 2010


10PMBBT: Rachel wants to have her Have Not party but BB wants them up at 7:45pm. Monet in the HOH crying now. Monet says people act different around her. Monet mentions the one person thing that Britney said. Monet and Brit think that Matt or Kathy said something to Rach about them having an alliance. Monet is upset this person is so obvious. Rachel said a few people said things and mentioned the 10 grand. Ragan to the DR. BTW Ragan is having a slumber party with Ragan tonight since Brendon is a Have Not. Rachel talks about knowing how it feels, she was there last week.

10:07pmBBT: Rachel guesses that Kathy betrayed Monet. Rachel confirms that she was talking about Monet. Rachel never connected them. Monet is crying, she is hurt that Kathy did not even hug her.

10:12pmBBT: Brendon interrupts Rach/Monet. Enzo is heading to bed. Rachel is surprised that Kathy back stabbed Monet. No talk in the HOH now. Brendon in the Taj. Monet says she will put up Kathy if she stays. Andrew,Britney,Matt are brushing their teeth. Looks like they are getting ready to go to bed early for the POV comp. WTF, why does BB do the damn thing so early on a Sat.? The HG should be staying up drinking and acting like fools.
10:18pmBBT: Enzo is giving his critique of the Hayden and Lane's look in the Jumanji room Matt is now in the Jumanji room. Brendon is in the HAVE NOT room. Hayden goes into the Taj. All the MoFos are going to sleep are you kidding me. I hope we get bed chatter.
10:22pmBBT:Andrew is doing his prayers in the Taj. Monet is in the HOH bathroom cleaning up. Monet hugs Rachel and leaves. Lane,Matt,Enzo in the Jumanji room talking. Brendon in the HOH now. Rachel is wondering if she made the wrong decision, Kathy has stabbed Monet in the back. Rach is telling Brendon what Monet told him. They are on the bed together.
10:28pmBBT: Kathy comes up to Monet and says she would like to be there for her. Monet says that she can't trust people in this game and walks out of the Cabana room. Rachel is pissed off and trying to control herself. Kristen is in the WC and notices the tension, she shakes her head. Brendon is consoling Rach, she feels bad. Enzo is cracking jokes about garbage alley, saying that homeless people live better. Brit says she will step on her face. Rach said she would pick the person who Monet wanted if she got a choice, Monet said she will let her know. Monet is saying she is not stupid. Matt to DR. Enzo says no way. All HG want to go to sleep and no DRS. Brit says Rachel is a nice person, Enzo is seeing that she is genuine. Looks like opinions are changing.
10:40pmBBT: Kathy/Monet in the WC, Kathy tells Monets she said nothing about her, nothing. Monet does not responds. Some thick tension in there. Ragan with Brendon and Rachel. Brit now in the WC. Ragan thinks the next HOH will have luxury. BB tells Brit to put her mic. on. Kathy is sitting alone on the WC couches. Monets in the WC flossing her teeth. Brendon tells Ragan that Monet and Brit were playing on her emotions. Kathy is telling Kristen how Brit,Monet are treating her. Kristen wants to win POV and make sure one of them go. Kathy is hurt.
10:45pmBBT: Monet/Brit whispering. Brit and Monet tell each other that they want each other to stay. Brit does not want to be with these retards. Monet said that Kathy lied to her face, Kathy wanted to keep her morals. Enzo is listening to the girls. Brit does not want Enzo to repeat it. Brit.Monet trying to get Kathy up instead of them.
10:47pmBBT: Kathy in the HOH telling Rach/Brendon what Monet said. Kathy says she did not say anything. Kathy said her feelings are hurt. Brendon said that Brit.Monet are making conflicts. Kathy said Monet is acting odd. Monet did say goodnight.
10:52pmBBT: Kathy tells Rag.Rach.Bren that Monet and Britney made a comment about the Have Nots getting off slop and eating the other HG food. Brendon says Brits is one of those entitled girls that mom and dad hand everything she needs to her. Kathy brings up how she has been to Spain and France.
10:53pmBBT: Britney is ripping Kathy apart, is doing her voice and mimicking her. She has Enzo and Monet cracking up. Enzo is pissed that Andrew is not up. Brit is also. Monet wants to know who took their beds.
11pmBBT: Brendon has gone downstairs. Enzo asks the girls if they talked to Kristen, they both say no. Brendon in garbage alley. Ragan and Rachel in the HOH.

11:06pmBBT: Kathy in the BY with Kristen. Kris says she does not give a crap. Kris surprised they are shocked that they got nominated. Kathy said that Monet was stomping around. Kathy going to bed. Kris in the BY still, offers Kathy her ear. Rach asks Matt to hang out, he says any night but tonight, we have the comp tomorrow. Matt lays on the bed and says rags to riches. Rachel is eating cheese cubes.
11:15pmBBT:Kathy in HOH now.  HOH talks about what the POV will be. Ragan tells Rachel to think about how people acted before and after HOH win. Enzo and Brendon are joking and talking.
11:20pmBBT: Kris and Hayden in bed in the Taj, they are tired, but can't sleep. Party in HOH. Hayden talked to Lane and he made a deal with Brendon and Rachel to not put him up.
11:34pmBBT: Kris/Hay talk about Andrew being closer to Brendon than they thought. Kristen laughing about Britney saying I am choking and crying, says Brit's fiancee must want to die. Hayden laughing about Bren/Rachel acting like they are married. Kristen thinks maybe Bren is in love with love. Kris thinks it is an ego thing. Hayden things some girl crushed him. Enzo to the DR. You can hear Enzo yelling thru the walls . Kris goes to her bed in case Enzo comes in. Lane walks in about 1 minute later to let them know the DR is calling everyone.
11:51pmBBT: Lane is in the Taj room, he is up and can't get back to sleep. Andrew is up. Looks like the DR is keeping the HG up and that is a good thing for us. Lane tells Hay/Kris that about 11pm hell broke loose in the garbage alley room about Kathy throwing Monet under the bus. The Taj room is munching on candy and making massive noise. Lane is making sure that Kristen does not take over his main ally in BB Hayden. They talk game until Matt joins them. Rach/Bren in garbage alley talking to Brit.Monet. it is a very civil and nice convo. Making fun of BB for doing a breakfast at tiffanys comp and doing an Asian stereotype. Ragan complains about how early they have to get up.


BB12 Live Feed Updates:

July 8th 2010:

8:59BBT: Feeds are live, a lot of laughing in the BY. Whispering with the girls Rachael,Annie and Kathy. Monet in HT With Ragan,Lane, Britney and a few others.

9:05pmBBT: Most of the HG are in the BY, either on the couches or in the HT. Enzo on the couch. Rachel in the HT now. HG have booze, so things could get interesting. FOTH, one of the HG did a shout out.

9:10pm-9:30pmBBT: Annie is whispering about Enzo to Kathy. Said he had a baby penis and is a POS. Andrew pulled up Annie's blanket and she is pissed and feels violated. Monet is on the couch listening to them and agrees. Annie and Kathy love Ragan. Ragan is a have not.

9:30-10:30pmBBT: Enzo,Lane and Matt want Andrew out. Enzo talks to Andrew listens to what he has to say about everyone walking away when he comes in the room. Everyone loves everyone. Enzo bathmouting Andrew to Annie. Enzo, Lane Matt and Britney talk about Rachel. They agree she will take Brendon off the block if she wins. Britney,Lane,Enzo and Matt seem to be in some sort of alliance. Andrew has been named CAPTAIN OBVIOUS because they all think he is the saboteur. Brendon seems to get on a few peoples nerves. Monet and Kathy agree that Annie will say whatever you want to hear. Monet and Kathy saying they can't stand Annie. Annie is all over Hayden per Monet.

10:30-11pmBBT: Andrew and Kathy talking on the couches about Annie. HT crew talking about Justin Beiber. Andrew said Annie is making him look bad, trying to convince Kathy to go with him. Britney and Monet say they have Lane wraped up. Enzo tells Lane he does not trust Andrew, thinks he would throw them under the bus in a minute. Again we will have to hear thrown under the bus all season. Ezno thinks BB is the saboteur and none of them are a saboteur. The saboteur put X's on HG photos. Andrew says her wants to eliminate all the women except Kathy and Kristen.

11pmBBT: Matt,Enzo,Lane playing pool. Enzo mad that Andrew is telling everyone in the house that he is in a gang. Matt said he used to beat off to Showtime and now he is on it. Enzo saying the house is going to get crazy fast. He seems to say what is on is mind. Enzo that people need to be picked off now, he can't wait till the POV. Enzo saying that Kathy and Monet are together. Says Monet was crying about how Rachel reacted when she picked her for POV. Calling the Green Leaf Wallpaper room the Jumanji Room. Britney and Monet in KT. Monet goes outside. Britney eating. Lane in the KT getting something to drink. He tells Britney he lost at pool. Andrew and Kathy on the couch. Andrew asking Monet if she cooked on a sheet to make sure it is kosher still. Matt and Lane covered the pool table and are inside now.

11:10pmBBT: Kristen a HAVE NOT. going to ask BB for a blender. Enzo in HOH with Matt and Hayden. Short FOTH. Andrew to DR. Enzo seem to be a real force in the house right now.

11:20pmBBT: Listening to HOH convo. with THE BOYS. Hightlights Kristen is a wild card, threatened by Brendon and Rachel. Like Annie more than Rachel. Andrew is the saboteur. Want Annie out quick by week 3, BD or jut put up. Matt says if Brendon stays fool him into thinking he is safe and family. Matt does not think he or Enzo should be HOH next. Enzo talking about the gang comment Andrew made.

11:30pmBBT: Rachel in HOH. Hayden went downstairs. Ragan in KT. Britney in KT. Kristen also, waiting for pizza. Brendon,Andrew and Rachel seem to be the odd HG out.
11:35pmBBT: Andrew bitching about not having any Kosher Ice Cream. Hayden says he can have some of his Ben and Jerrys. Brendon in the KT. Ragan smelling the food. Andrew talking about kosher food. Britney in BY with Kathy and Monet and Lane. Monet to DR. A lot of HG complaining about the late DR's. Brit,Lane,Kathy trying to figure out the schedule. The HG are saying they have been in the house for 5 days. Talk of Brendon taking himself off the block if he wins. Lane doubts he can win. Kathy saying he will fight hard. Switched to HOH with Enzo,Matt and Rachel. Four or Five HG are yawning. Brendon in the HOH also. More talk of Kristen being a dark horse in the HOH. Annie in the BY seems to be freaking out.

11:45pmBBT: Annie saying Andrew was bitching about making cookies and pizza on a sheet and now it is ruined. Kathy complaining obout how he comes on to her and gets in her space. Lane is just listening. Annie runs inside. Britney just listening. Calling him creepy.

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