12:04AMBBT: Brendon talks in garbage alley about how his father is never satisfied and he can never please him. Bren thinks he is sensitive because he never got enough attention or affection as a child. FOTH
12:13amBBT: Enzo/Matt/Lane/Kris in Taj talking about Kathy, Enzo said the only person Kathy throws under a bus is herself, and cracks the room up. Enzo is bitching about garbage alley and the food or lack of. Enzo says he is in the Have Not room with the 1/2 HOH and two that are on the block.
12:19amBBT: Enzo talking about the POV comp and taping Britney up. Enzo was a wild man, trying to win, he wound up almost chocking Brit. The laugh about leaving her up there without air, joke she can live 2 minutes. Enzo thought Kathy died during the comp. FOTH.
12:24amBBT: Rachel/Bren hugging in the LR. Enzo,Kris,Lane in Taj talking.
12:31amBBT:Rach/Bren in the Cabana having a tender moment, whispering sweet nothings to each other. Talk about seeing each other after BB.
12:35amBBT: Lane/Matt talking about next week HOH and the brigade staying safe, Lane mentions 4, Kristen is not included. Matt asks Lane if he felt threatened when he was talking to Rachel, Lane said no. FOTH.
12:41amBBT: Feeds came back to garbage alley. Enzo is complaining about the room. Monet is complaining to be called to the DR. Enzo still has his mic on and is annoyed.
12:46amBBT: Enzo talking about his wife and daughter, he misses them. Rachel and Brendon are still at it in the Cabana room, Kissing, love talk.
12:57amBBT: Rach/Brendon still talking baby talk and kissing, telling each other how great they are.
1:06amBBT: BB is still calling HG into the DR. Rachel is giving Brendon a massage in the Cabana room. Brendon calls Rachel the perfect girl for him
1:26amBBT: Rach/Bren break it up. Bren goes to garbage alley and says he feels like he fell asleep at Walmart or Target. Enzo says it is GHETTO. FOTH for no damn reason.
1:39amBBT: Feeds back. Enzo is in the KT, getting fruit cake, he appears to be the only one up.
1:52amBBT: Enzo in garbage alley, Monet is in the DR. Bren,Brit,Enzo are up and can't get comfortable. FOTH.
2:03amBBT: HG asleep
2:20amBBT: Monet wakes up Brit to tell her the DR wants to see her, Monet has been in the DR for a bit. Brit was not happy to be woken up.
2:31amBBT: Rachel is alone and laying in the Capabana room with her eyes closed.
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