7:30AMBBT: All HG still sleeping.
7:45AMBBT: BB wakes up the HG. FOTH, so music can be played for the HG.
7:55amBBT: Rach.Ragan.Kathy in the HOH chit chatting.
8amBBT: All feeds are on the HOH. Talking about past POV comps.
8:08amBBT: Matt in HOH with Ragan,Kathy,Rachel telling Rachel what happened last night with the DR at 2 am., tells them how pissed Monet/Kathy were.
8:20amBBT: Matt/Ragan leave. Kathy is retelling the Monet bathroom story. Kris in the KT. Hayden frying bacon. Lane sitting at the table. Brendon is making slop. Brit is making slop. Brit and Brendon complain about how cold and uncomfortable that room is.
8:30amBBT: Kathy/Rach talking about Monet/Brit. Rachel does not believe that they won't put Brendon or her up if they win HOH. FOTH
8:32amBBT: Rachel does not believe that Kath/Monet were close, Kathy is playing down the friendship to Rachel, she does not want to look like a back stabber.
8:40amBBT: Ragan is helping Monet make slop. Brit is done eating. Lane/Hayden had bacon for breakfast.
8:41amBBT: Kathy comes downstairs, Hayden offers her bacon. Rachel in the HOH bath getting ready. Matt,Hayden,Lane are in the Jumanji room talking about what the POV will be. Some talk about HOH next week and making sure the bridgade stays in the house. Kathy in the WC putting on makeup. Ragan has joined the Jumanji room. Brit in the WC doing her best bitch face on Kathy. Monet/Rachel in the KT, Monet wants to talk later. Brit is now in the KT and so is Brit. Brendon is tired and grumpy from garbage alley.
8:51amBBT: Feeds back. Rachel says she is having another slumber party tonight, she invites everyone. Matt says he will come this time.
9:05amBBT: Feeds back. Most HG getting ready to do something. Brit and Kathy in the SR talking about what Kathy allegedly said. Brit said she is not mad at Kathy. Brit said that Rachel did not tell her anything. Brit is telling Kathy that Rachel was as nice as she could be. Kathy telling Brit she told Rach she did not know of any alliances that Brit had. Brit said people are throwing her under the bus left and right. Brit told Kathy she was sorry and is hugging her.
9:10amBBT: BB keeps giving us the FOTH on and off.
9:21amBBT: FOTH since about 9:12am, not sure why.
9:32amBBT: Maybe they are pulling names for POV.
9:41amBBT: Monet told Brit that it is personal with Kathy, she is going after her, but will be phony to her face. Brit mentions that she made a face at the camera while hugging Kathy.
9:43amBBT: Kathy comes into garbage alley, Brit says she can't take anymore. Monet is kicking herself that she did not put 225 down at the HOH comp., she would of won HOH, she second guessed herself.
9:46amBBT: Matt,Kris,Hay,Lane chatting about how long the till the POV comp.
9:58amBBT: Rach is taking a shower, Brendon is in the bathroom watching her. Rach gets dressed and Brendon goes over dates in case they need it for the POV comp.
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