3:00pmBBT: Kris/Rach talk about getting Brit out of the game. Matt/Ragan talk about who the pawn will be. Matt said he will return the favor if he is picked. Ragan to saying much. Lane comes in and they stop. Brit comes up to HOH and Kris leaves. Brit thanks Rachel for being so nice and she respects her. Brit is trying to get Rach to put up Andrew, Brit said Monet will not come after you if you put him up. Brit said there will be not blood on her hands. Rach told Monet that flat out she wanted her gone, how can she make a deal. Rach asks Brit if she will back door her and Brendon. Brit said she will do anything to get Andrew put up and gone. Rach wants a deserving jury. Brit said Monet just wants to stay and will cut a deal. Rachel is unsure. Brit pushing Andrew hard. She is a real good actress, when she lies to Rachel. Enzo was in the HOH bitching about only being 14 seconds behind Britney.
3:02pmBBT: FOTH
3:25pmBBT: Kathy in HOH bed with Bren/Rach talking about who to put up and saying that Brit needs to go and Monet does also. Kathy points out how Brit is making deals and trying to get the house to keep Monet. Bren/Rach/Kathy are nervous.
3:30pmBBT: Andrew walks by and Brit makes a comment and says I hate him. Hay and Kris talking in Cabana room, she is telling him that he is safe, but go talk to Rachel today and see where her head is at. Hayden says the order of people to go Enzo,Matt,Brit,Monet. Kris makes a comment that they could go into the Taj to talk, Monet just walked by.
3:36pmBBT: Brendon said he would go up as the replacement nom.,Rachel said never. FOTH
3:43PMBBT: Feeds back. Enzo and Monet in the garbage alley talking about how to get Monet to stay. Enzo thinks Kathy is the only choice for replacement. Hayden and Kris are still in the cabana talking game.
3:51pmBBT: HOH talk about people come after Bren/Rach. Ragan and Hayden doing situps in the Cabana room. Kristen is watching.
3:54pmBBT: Enzo is napping in the Taj room. Rachel is sleepy in the HOH, Brendon is laying close to her. Kathy is leaving, so Bren and Rach can be alone. Rachel says she is stressed out.Kathy is going to bite her tongue with Brit and Rach. Rachel said she is not going to use Rachel as a pawn. Kathy is surprised about Monet and Rachel.
4pmBBT: Rach/Bren are lovey dovey in the HOH. Hayden done doing sit ups. Kathy lays down in the Cabana with Kristen.
4:10pmBBT:Rach and Bren are sleeping in the HOH. Brendon is not allowed to sleep anywhere except the garbage alley, he is a Have Not. Kath/Hay in the cabana room, Lane is eating ice cream. The house is dead silent. I think all the HG are napping except for a few. Ragan in Cabana. Andrew is in the WC. Kristen came back to the cabana room with ice cream.
4:18pmBBT: Brendon and Rachel are up and going downstairs. The cabana room has come to life. Ragan and Kristen laughing about the POV comp. Monet in the KT. Andrew in the cabana room. Rach/Bren in garbage alley laying down. Rachel is laying on the floor and Brendon is not comfortable doing that. Enzo offers his blankets.
4:22PMBBT: Matt in garbage alley, says hi and walks out.
4:30pmBBT: Monet and Matt in the KT. Monet tellls Matt that Brit/Monet want Andrew gone. Monet tells Matt that they should all tell Bren/Rach that if they put them up as pawns they are all coming after them. Monet and Brit want to force Rach to put up Andrew. Monet would like Kathy up, Matt would vote her out over Monet. Matt tells Monet that he told Rach/Bren that if he is put up as a pawn he would return the favor. Brit joins Enzo,Rach,Bren in garbage alley. Hayden and Matt are in the HOH with Lane. Matt is telling Lane that Ragan was describing Lane to Rach to be put up as the replacement nomination. Matt brings up Kathy's name to Rach/Bren. Matt told them to put up a weak pawn because if they win HOH they may put you two up. Matt is telling them to tell Rach the same thing. Looks like they are going to try to save Monet.
4:47pmBBT: Lockdown over. Brit outside. Matt/Lane and Hay leaving HOH to go outside. Monet tells Brit what Matt said to her regarding Kathy going up.
4:56pmBBT: Hay/Bren in HOH. Hayden checking to make sure he is not put up. Brendon tells him that he is leaning towards Matt. Hay asks if he is truly a pawn. Bren says yes.
5:01pmBBT: Hay/Kris in Taj. Hay tells Kris what Bren said. Ben and Rach in HOH. Rach is depressed. Bren asks her if she wants to go outside.
5:10-5:20pmBBT: Monet in the HOH talking to Rach. saying she thinks it is personal with Rachel and her not game. Monet trying to explain where she is in her mind.Hay/Lane/Kris in Taj talking. Monet wants to know why she is more of a threat then other HG. Rach saying it has been you, Annie and Brit. Monet said I avoid conflict that is why I do not come around you more. Monet saying her back is against the wall. Rach asks who is coming after her and Bren. Monet says if you are with Andrew, many people. Ragan comes up and he leaves so she can talk to Monet. Ragan leaves and says everyone is sleeping. Monet is pushing Andrew. Rach says that Andrew has no alliance to me or Brendon. Rach said she will not repeat this to anyone.
5:20-5:40pmBBT: Matt went to Enzo and said the jig is up we have the votes. The brigade is working to keep the girls. Rach tells Monet that she knows her and Brit are close, like her and Brendon. Rach calls herself a hypocrite for wanting to split her and Brit when she does not want anyone to split her and Bren. Monet brings Kristen up and how she was around Rach only after the HOH win. Monet says Kris wants the girls out. Rach says she thinks her and Brendon are real. Rach is proposing a alliance of Brit.Monet.Rach.Bren.Lane and Enzo. Andrew's name came up, Rach is kinda showing her hand by telling Monet Bren trusts Andrew, but she does not. Rach tells Monet if they align they need to play chess not checkers. Rach tells Monet she does not trust Matt all the way. Rach talks about Andrew as the replacement nom., says it has crossed her mind. Rach does not want to back stab anyone. Not sure if Monet is for real, she did a good job of acting with Kathy in the Cabana room earlier. Monet telling Rach that she DOES NOT have an alliance, not even with Brit. If Rach believes this one, she should get voted out. Monet pretty much said they got off on the wrong foot and wish they had talked more before. Rach says she would like to make it to the jury house with Brendon. Monet said her and Brit would not go after her. If Monet does not have an alliance with Brit how the HELL can she speak in her name and make promises for her.
5:45pmBBT: FOTH, not sure why, did not hear singing.
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